RS Timed Assessment 2 Paper 1 Section 4 Rights, Equality and Social Justice
disability rights
human rights
equal rights
multi- faith society
Paralympics and Invictus games set up for disabled people
Fundamnetalist Christian Views
'then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, Jesus healed him, so that they could both talk and see' this links disability to possession by Satan or other demons
' if you reject my decrees then I will do this to you, I will bring you wasting diseases and fever' disability is a punishment from God Leviticus 22
General Christian views
Most Christians would view the Bible as taking a far more loving and compassionate approach to those with disabilities and diseases
sexism exists because of traditional gender stereotypes, traditional religious views and sexism becoming the norm
the world wars helped get rid of sexism because when the men were out fighting the women were starting to be employed in factories and other jobs that were perceived as men's jobs
Sexism in Christianity
The Fall- eve was deceived by a snake, this brought upon the Original Sin and this set in motion humankinds fall from grace
Jesus never had women disciples
Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas were opposed to women's rights
'Wives submit to your husbands' Ephesians 5
Why Might Christianity be for Equality
'Love thy neighbour as yourself'
Man and women were made in God's image- Genesis 1:27
There are a number of strong women in the bible such as Deborah and Jael in Judges 4
Liberal View that the Bible is outdated
Mary Magdalene- She supported Jesus on his travels, she was the one who found Jesus' tomb empty and Jesus appeared to Mary first
UN Charter of Human rights
the right to life, freedom of religion, all are born equal and free and the freedom of speech
Amnesty International are an example of a Christian charity, it is the largest grassroots human rights organisation
Strengths and weaknesses of having a Universal Human Rights
it's part of the natural order of things
there is no apeal to god or a higher being
all people are born with rights and dignities and deserve to be treated with respect
avoids repeating the mistakes in the past
exclusivism and inclusivism