Three Domains Of Learning And Example

1) Congnitive Domain (Benjamin Bloom)

3) Psychomotor Domain (Anita Harrow)

2) Affective Domain (David Krathwohl)

3) Applying - Applys menu taken from the internet to cook chicken curry.

4) Analyzing - Students gather information from an internet and authentic sources before starting the assignment.

2) Understanding - Rewrite the principles of test writing.

5) Evaluating - When involved in a problem, we need to select the most effective solution.

1) Remembering - Students MC246 remembering the topic learned last Monday when asked by Sir Fadhli.

6) Creating - Write a company operations or process manual.

3) Valuing - Shows the ability to solve problems.

4) Organization - Explains the role of systematic planning in solving problems

2) Responding - Participate in a presentation on a subject in class

1) Receiving - Listen to lectures with respect

5) Characterization - Values people for what they are, not how they look.

3) Perceptual abilities - While playing basketball, the performer has to be able to adapt his or her skills to a changing environment.

4) Physical abilities - When exercising, we need dynamic strength to exert muscular force continuously over time.

2) Fundamental movements - Jogging, running and walking.

5) Skilled movements - Skills and movements when playing volleyball.

6) Nondiscursive communication - Is nonverbal communication like the ballerinas are dancing ballet or a person acting in a theatrical performance

1) Reflex movements - Holding something sharp like a needle or knife and pulling the hand quickly.