



Soggetto + have/has + participio passato del verbo

Have/has + soggetto + participio passato del verbo + ... ?

Risposte brevi

Yes + pronome personale soggetto + have/has
No + pronome personale soggetto + haven't/hasn't

I have ('ve) finished
You have ('ve) finished
He/she/it has ('s) finished
We have ('ve) finished
You have ('ve) finished
They have ('ve) finished

Soggetto + have/has + not + participio passato del verbo

Have I finished?
Have you finished?
Has she/he/it finished?
Have we finished?
Have you finished?
Have they finished?

Yes, you have./No, you haven't.
Yes, I have./No, I haven't.
Yes, she/he/it has./No, she/he/it hasn't.
Yes, you have./No, you haven't.
Yes, we have./No, we haven't.
Yes, they have./No, they haven't.

Dove e come si usa

Si usa per descrivere un avvenimento verificatosi in passato:

  • in un periodo di tempo non specifico
  • in un periodo di tempo che non si è ancora concluso
  • che ha effetti sul presente

Il participio passato

Verbi irregolari

Verbi regolari

Si forma aggiungendo -ed o -d alla forma base del verbo

Ad esempio:

  • have = had
  • be = been
  • make = made

Ad esempio:

  • start = started
  • live = lived

I have not (haven't) finished
You have not (haven't) finished
He/she/it has not (hasn't) finished
We have not (haven't) finished
You have not (haven't) finished
They have not (haven't) finished