europe had severe economic recessions in 1973 1974 and 1979–1983, WG center-right politics went to center-left politics, 1969 the Social Democrats became the leading party (stayed in power until 1982 bc of Free Democratic Party), March 19, 1971 Brandt met with Walter Ulbricht and signed treaty in 1972, Helmut Schmidt was technocrat and focused on eco probs, 1982 Schmidt’s Social Democrats with
the Free Democrats so they joined w Christian Democratic Union of Helmut Kohl, Irish Republican Army staged terrorist attacks after Northern Ireland’s parliament in 1972, 1979 Britain’s economic problems increased and conservatives turned to Margaret Thatcher (control inflation and made Thatcherism), wanted to replace older technology and reestablish Britain as a world police officer, 1982 Argentina
attempted to take control of Falkland Islands (rebuffed) and generated popular support for Thatcher, (FRANCE) 1981 the Socialists had become the dominant party in the National Assembly, 1982, Mitterrand froze prices and wages and liberal measures to aid workers to fix eco probs (centralization and decentralization), (ITALY) fiftieth postwar government in 1991, Giulio Andreotti served 6 times, Italian Communists advocated Eurocommunism, 1970s Italy suffered from eco recession, had student unrest, mass strikes, and terrorist attacks, European Economic Community expanded in 1973 when Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark joined european community