Reproductive System
Elijah Moyeda P.6
Male Functions
Produce, Maintain, and transport sperm and semen
Produce and secrete male hormones
Female Functions
Production of female gamete(ovum/egg)
Preparation for supporting and developing the embryo during pregnancy
Male Anatomy
Epididymis-comma-shaped, tightly coiled tube, found on superior part of testis and posterior lateral side
Vas Deferens-carries sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct, passes through inguinal canal and over urinary bladder
Urethra-extends from the base of urinary bladder to tip of penis,carries both sperm and urine
Semen-milky white mixture of secretions from many glands
Seminal Vesicle-thick,akaline, yellow secretion 60% of semen, base of urinary bladder
Prostate Gland-Secretes milky fluid helps activate sperm,encircles upper part of urethra
Bulbourethrial gland- base of penis below prostate, secretes alkaline mucus in response in sexual stimulation of penis
Scrotum-Divided sac of skin outside body holds testes, regulates template of testes
Penis-tubular organ through distal portion of urethra , delivers semen into female
Regions of penis:root,shaft,glans penis, and prepuce
Female Anatomy
Ovaries-female gonads, pair, almond shaped on either side of uterus
Uterine (fallopian) tube-receive matured egg, provide a site for fertilization
Regions:Infundibulm- open funnel end, Fimbriae-finger like projections, and Cilia-inside projections of tube
Uterus-recive,retain, and nourish fertilized egg, located between primary bladder and rectum
Regions: Body- main portion, Funds-are where uterine tube enters, and Cervix-narrow outlet
Walls of Uterus: Endometrium-inner layer, implantation site of egg
Myometrium-middle layer of smooth muscle, and Perimetrium-outer visceral peritoneum
Vagina-Serves as birth canal, extends from cervix to exterior of body
External Genitalia- Monspubis-fatty pad over pubic area, Labia-skin folds around vaginal opening, Vestibule-inside of labia majora, and Clitoris-contains erectile tissue
Mammary Glands-modified sweat glands, milk secretes out nipples, occurs after birth
Male Hormones
Leutinizing Hormone(LH)-stimulates seminiferous tubules to secrete testatrone
Follicle Stimulation Hormone(FSH)-@ puberty stimulates steroli cell for sperm production
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone(GnRH)-Released by hypothalamus in brain to stimulate anterior pituitary gland to release LH/FSH
Testosterone-stimulates reproductive organ development and sex drive
Inhibin-realesed by testes when high testosterone are present to stimulate hypothalamus to stimulate GnRH to stop LH/FSH
Female Hormones
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone(GnRH)-realesed by hypothalamus in brain to stimulate anterior
Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH)-stimulates the development/maturation of primary follicle to second follicle
Lutenizing Hormone(LH)-Spike of hormone will trigger ovulation of most mature follicle
Inhibin-decrease release of FSH by anterior pituitary gland
Estrogen-primary female sex hormone realeased by follicle
Progestrone-triggers suppression of hypothalamus from releasing GnRH
Ovarian Cycle
Follicular Phase- Day 1-14, FSH causes follicular cells to develop into primary follicle, follicular cells secrete estrogen to become second follicle
Ovulation Phase-Day 14, triggered by spike of increase LH, Graafin follicle releases oocyte
Luteal Phase-Day 15-28, Follicle expels oocyte espy shell becomes corpus luteum,Corpus then releases progesterone to stop LH/FSH
Uterine/Menstrula cycle
Menstruation Day 1-5, decline of Estrogen/progestrone causes spinal arteries constrict and cells become ischemic to die, shed off, bleed up to 3-5 days
Proliferative Phase Day 6-14, estrogen stimulates blood vessels to regrow the wall lining
Secretory Phase Day 15-28 repose of rising levels of progesterone by corpus legume, Uterine tube gets big and lets out nutrients to sustain embryo
Bacterial Sexually Transmitted STDs
Chlamydia-most common STD caused by bacteria, cured by antibiotics
Male Symptoms- Discharge from penis, burning during urination,burning/itching around urethral opening, pain/swelling of testes
Female Symptoms-no symptoms, white or grey discharge, lower pelvic/abdominal pain, bleeding between periods
Gonorrhea-spread by sexual contact, can be spread to different part and by mother to child
Male symptoms:yellow or white discharge, burning or pain when peeing, and frequent urination
Female Symptoms:yellow or white discharge, burn/pain while peeing, cramps and pain in lower abdomen
Syphilis:symptomless for years, spread to person to person, causes sores to appear
Symptoms:Painful sores, chances can tuen skin copper color, cold relates symptoms, can cause death if not treated
Viral/Parastic STDs
Herpes-caused by herpes virus, cannot be cured can be treated
Male symptoms:small sores or clusters of blisters on penis or mouth
Female Symptoms:Blisters in or around vagina,fever/headaches
Genital/Veneral Warts- caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) no cure but prevent through vaccination, associated with cervical cancer in females
Symptoms(female&male): warts like cauliflowers, may cause itching, burning, but often no pain
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(Aids)- caused by human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), spread by needles, virus, mother to child. No cure only treatment
Symptoms: no symptoms til immune system is activated, fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes flue like symptoms
Pubic Lice/Crabs-caused by parasite looks like crabs, located around pubic area or where hair Is, spread by direct contact
Symptoms: Itching around pubic area, treatment with shampoo or cream
Trichomoniasis-caused by tiny parasite, common in women, transmitted to baby during pregnancy
Female Symptoms: itching, burning around vagina area, painful frequent urination, heavy, unpleasant, fruthy, greenish discharge
Male Symptoms:no symptoms, discomfort in urthrea or inflamed penis, treated through oral medication