Since the communication is nothing more than radio technology, every conversation can be intercepted. There is nothing to prevent interception. What remains is the privacy of the content. If strong encryption were used and forced on every communication this weakness could be avoided.However, encryption is left in the hands of the service provider. They choose the algorithm and However, encryption is left in the hands of the service provider. They choose the algorithm and decide as a matter of course when encryption can be used and when it cannot. For example, in some systems communications between a mobile phone with another mobile phone in one of the four countries currently designated as “State Sponsors of Terrorism” by the U.S. Department of State (Syria, Cuba, Sudan, and Iran) automatically turns off the encryption feature. It has been shown that this fact can be exploited using the man in the middle attack (Justice Department, 2005) to turn off the encryption feature between users not in the seven countries as we.