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textbook headings/subheadings note subject keywords
is a brief summary of the publication usually about 200 words
literature review hypothesis or purpose for study specific prediction from hypothesis
participants Procedure
results on hypothesis justified conclusions alternative explanations applications limits to generalization
list of items cited
logical conclusion of logical argument rational method
a testable hypothesis is one for which all variables, events and individuals can be defined and observed
a refutable hypothesis is one that can be demonstrated to be false. That is, it is possible fot the outcome to be different from the prediction
must make a positive statement about the existence of something a hypothesis that denies existence cannot be tested in a research study -> no good foundation of research
concerns on quality of operational definitions and measurements produced could leave out of important components of a construct include extra components that are not part of the construct being measured
could leave out of important components of a construct include extra components that are not part of the construct being measured
measurements change together in same direction
measurements change in opposite directions
requires the investigator to provide all available information about a study so that an individual can make a rational, informed decision to participate in the study (before beginning the study).
explanation what the study was really about counteracting or minimizing negative effects explaining nature of and justification for deception answering questions the participant has
misinformation of the prticipants
withholding information intentionally
numerical: calculate the mean non-numerical: percentages for each category
causation (explanation)
simplicity best opportunity to maximize the difference between the two treatment conditions opposite extreme values can be selected
provides little information researcher obtains only two real data points for comparison Limits a study to two groups
each subject appears in every treatment condition each subject serves as his own control
repeated-measures t single-factor ANOVA
Wilcoxon test Sign test
distinction becomes too small to differentiate
identify trends before treatment of maturation instrumentation regression
maturation instrumentation regression
t-test single-factor analysis of variance
present a limited number of response alternatives
require selection of numerical value on a predetermined scale
1-5 (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree, Strongly Agree)
take time to identify target population
preparing surveys specialized recruiting agencies for sampling for large surveys
setup of experiment crucial aspects of protocol behavior in specific situations interruptions no-consent
interruptions no-consent
questions by participants quick participants slow participants attentiveness
consumption interactions frequency of usage time-data
(single case/participant studies // for unusual cases)
use special knowledge or expertise to select subjects who represent this population
ask one subject to refer you to others according to certain criteria