Late 1960s, many countries economic growth was failed to solve social and political problems (Seers, 1969 as cited in Telfer, 2002) and some countries had realised their economic growth targets, but ‘the levels of living of the masses of people remained for the most part unchanged’ (Todaro, 2000: 14 as cited in Telfer, 2002).
During the 1970s, the widespread of poverty and unemployment cause a new view to consider broader definition of development concept.
1980s realise the emergence of the concept of global sustainable development according to Brundtland Report
(WCED, 1987)
1990s, the United Nations Development Programme’s on Human Development Report defines development as the enlargement of people’s choices, the most critical being to lead a long, healthy life, to acquire knowledge and to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living.
(UNDP, 1990)
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