Factors in delivery approach- context(lifecycle, approach, roles, deliverables)
- techniques
Delivery lifecycle
definition, design, implementation, realization(review benefits), alignment( enterprise architecture, business env., business strategy)
1. System Development approaches - ( SDLC - system dev. lifecycles)
- feasibility study, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation
- 2 philosophies : linear approach and evolutionary approach
a) waterfall lifecycle( linear approach) b) "V" model ( linear approach) - analyze business needs - business case - review benefits
- define requirements - acceptance criteria - ensure user acceptance
- design solution - systems test criteria - test solution
- develop solution - unit test criteria - test modules
c) Agile model ( iterative approach) - principles
- evolutionary
- empowerment and collaboration
- fitness for purpose
- testing all the time
- re-factoring
- incremental delivery
- prioritization
- timeboxing
- Lifecycle
- identify business need
- identify options and feasibility
- define and agree business req.
- elaborate solution req.
- engineer solution
- deploy solution
- evaluate solution
2. Software development approaches
- Unified Process(UP) - generic software development process
- provide guide on how to use UML
- it is both an iterative and incremental approach
- based on principle to use UML modelling tech. to explore and elaborate req. through iterations
- agile software dev. approaches include:
b) Scrum ( keys: Pareto, prioritization- MoSCoW)
- Software pck. approach - adopt commercial off-the-self (COTS) solution
- it is tricky because: req. focus on what the system is required to do, rather than how it is expected to work