Enhanced production of endo-1,4-β xylanase from agro-industrial waste and its potential for dye decolorization
2. Planning
1. Initiation
1.1. Procurement of lab equipment, chemicals, glasswares, consumables and accessories
1.1.1. Contact to Suppliers
2.1. Primary Planning
2.1.1. Develop WBS
2.1.2. Plan Schedule
2.1.3. Plan Budget
2.2. Supplementary Planning
2.2.1. Plan Risk Management
2.2.2. Plan Change and Configuration
3. Project Tasks
3.1. Isolation, Screening and Identification of strain
3.2. Optimization of Physical parameters
3.3. Optimization of Chemical parameters
3.4. Production of xylanase
4. Closeout
4.1. Wriiting and Submission of research article in journal
1.1.2. Chemicals and Equipment delivery
3.5. Dye decolorizing efficiency of xylanase
4.2. Final submission of SRGP report to HEC
3.6. Effect of parameters on dye degradation ability of xylanase