OARS Reports

Associated documents

PAT Band descriptors

Used to...

Identify what students can do based on the scale score (current band)

Locate appropriate resources by BAND in the PAT Teaching Resources Centre

Key scores

Scale score

Band score

Identify different levels of ability across the school, or within a class

Used to...

Identify particular questions that were easy and hard for the students who sat the test

Identify the strands where the group is relatively strong or weak

Compare students against the norm group data to see which students were above or below the norm medians

Key scores

Raw score

Scale score

Item difficulty score



Associated documents

PAT Maths norm data

PAT Reading norm data

Used to...

Identify particular questions that were difficult for the student

The best option for discussing a child's PAT results with their parents (in parent teacher interviews)

Key scores

item difficulty score

Raw score

Analyse the student's ability across the strands

Analyse the student's ability across different text types (reading only)

Scale score

Visualise the margin of error of the child's scale score ('confidence band')



Associated documents

PAT Maths norm data

PAT Reading norm data

Used to...

Track the progress of a single year level over time

Track the progress of individual students within that year level over time

Key scores

Scale score

Compare the achievement of the students in each year against the PAT norm data

PAT Teaching Resources Centre

Locate appropriate resources by STRAND in the PAT Teaching Resources Centre

Used to...

Compare the achievement of the students in certain year against the PAT norm data

Compare the bands the students in a certain year level fall into against the bands that the students in the PAT norm data fall into

Key scores

Scale score

Band score

Norm median scores

Associated documents

PAT Maths norm data

PAT Reading norm data

Identify the level students are working towards (ie, the next band up)

PAT Band descriptors