Evolution of Thought
Ancient Education
The Middle Ages and the Renaissance
The Renaissance and the Modern Age
Current Education
Roman Education
The Ideals of Jesus
Greek Pedagogical Thought
The Origin of the Public School
The Pedagogical Ideals of the Renaissance
Scholasticism and Universities
Evaluation of Humanistic Education.
Importance of New Science
Education and Reform
Panorama of Oriental Ideas
Juan Comenio, Educational Reformer
Adaptations to Social Reality
Significant learning
Operational Pedagogy
The children were educated at home until they were six years old, the age at which they entered school.
The ideal of Greek education was not professionalism in the arts,
but the enjoyment and participation.
Its object was the cultivation of the sciences and humanities.
That freedom gave rise to a spirit of tolerance unmatched by other
The Greeks did not believe that social duties should be avoided; the
An educated man was a good citizen and did not avoid public responsibility.
The ideal of Roman education was to cultivate manhood and
The best representative of the Roman ideal in terms of personality and education is Quintilian.
Education is basically a vision, not a methodology; is a
vision of the conscience and the potentialities of the man.
I used a very simple; he narrated innumerable parables; he appealed to the moral idealism of his listeners.
Jesus was guided by intuition and not by knowledge
The pedagogical ideals of Jesus are based on his moral principles.
Los ideales pedagógicos de Jesús se basan en sus principios morales.
The pedagogical lesson of Jesus is that we must cultivate the individual, and this it requires more than word devotion.
"The modern practice of government control of education was designed by Luther, Calvin, and other religious leaders and educators of the Reformation. "
The public school originates from the moment the consolidation of the State arises, that is, absolute monarchies disappear and republics are established, as well as God's chosen rulers have left, others have come to power.
Teaching methods were based on formal lecture, which students
they had to memorize.
The weak point of medieval education was its lack of interest in science experimental.
Philosophy was subordinate to theology; the liberal arts were studied in a formal way.
The Renaissance represents a new stage in human culture.
Women, who had played a secondary role inthe Middle Ages, now occupied a prominent place in culture and, some of them,like Margarita de Navarra, they contributed to the progress of knowledge.
The advantage of the new system lay in his enthusiasm for the classics.
Martin Luther created a new concept of the
religion and education.
He was cultured, insanely brilliant, and possessed, in addition to
intelligence, intense moral zeal
Your first education
was extremely deficient and, at the age of twenty, entered a seminary, in Herborn, Nassau, to study to become a clergyman
El tradicionalismo de la educación oriental ha intensificado su regresión social.
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keep in mind that what the teacher teaches is not exactly the same as
the student learns.
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D. Ausubel,
psychologist who has tried to explain how individuals learn from the
verbal material, both spoken and written.
The most important knowledge is self-knowledge, it seems to leadon the way to becoming one of the dominant concerns of education school today.
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Like all human activity to interests, not always convergent or explicit, the
school education, in addition to encountering the complexity of everything
individual and collective behavior