Ethnobotany: Oral Report, interviewing about use of wild plants

interview process


survey sections


WHere intrest came from

WHat areas is she intrested in

did anything influence her interest


people ?


anything influence how she learned in this area

did she learn this topic anywhere or self taught

did she study other things befor this

educatinal background


childhood/adult life

any family/ group of plants in perticular

area of ethnobotany


herbal medicine?

what does she use her knowledge for

use of a a recording device to mark down answers ensuring accurate answers

skills in primary research

can include survey questions and answers in appendix and any recording sheet used/ created for this.


Topic: Use of wild plants

How they use wild plants

any specific uses

what type of wild plants

can include use of plants gown in garden too if present

how would you account for losses ...

600 word limit for this part

interview technique

investigating the huge range of plants available for use by humanity

3000 word limit


think about how useful your write-up would be for future researchers.


1 Intro

The interviewee Ann Lollie?

2 middle: results

how the interview was conducted.

4 conclusion

set number of questions

ask a week before to bring things as prompts /props for in the interview.


ask them to think about what plants

click to edit

intro into the topic

findings of the interview

how the results reflect on the process of interviewing as a primary research technique

Ethics statement

100 words

how it will be stored (

how their contribution will be used

800 words

3 Middle Plant use research

1500 words maximum

select sing plants mentioned

  • 3 Plant use research
  • 3.1 plant chosen


  • 3.2 range of uses for the plant (identifying their appropriate use category

vernacular names


  • 3.3 properties of the plant that make it appropriate for the use (real or imagined properties)

historical uses in Scotland

An assessment of the efficacy for the use(s) discussed (do different sources of information agree or say conflicting things?)

Any patterns of use (e.g. specific geographical regions or sectors of society using the plants)

Alternative plants in the area that might have been used for similar purposes

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