6,500 BC = supernatural theory (cave drawing, trephination)
400 BC = somatogenic approach (hippocrates, body fluids)
Middle Ages = supernatural theory (famine, plague, witches)
End of Middle Ages = somatogenic approach (humane care, physical treatments)
Mid-18th century = psychogenic approach (philip pinel, moral treatment, york retreat, worthwhile activities)
Mid-18th century = somatogenic approach (franz mesmer, magnetic fluid, mesmerism, hypnosis)
Late 19th century = somatogenic approach (Kraeplin & DSM-1)
Early 20th century = psychogenic approach (Freud, human psyche, unconscious conflicts, catharsis cure, transference, dream analysis). Both somatogenic & psychogenic used today.
1940s and 1950s = behaviourists (unscientific of psychoanalysis, objective knowledge, conditioning, flooding, systematic desensitisation, token economy.
1980s = cognitive revolution (Beck, negative thinking, look at content, "learnt reflexes", negative biases, CBT).