Africa and Europe: relief, hydrography, climate
Average: promedio
» Cliff: acantilado
» Coast line: perfil costanero
» Cradle: cuna
» Continental shelf: plataforma continental
» Density of population: densidaad poblacional
» Fjordo: fiordo
» Fringe: franja
» Height: altura
» Inlent: ensenada
» Mashland: pantanoso
» Plateau: altiplano/ meseta
» Rugged: escabroso
» Slope: cuesta/pendiente
» To border: limitar
» Uplands: tierras altas
- Africa important information
Africa is the third biggest continent for its size followed by Asia and America, and the second most populated in the world. Its population represents 17% of the world population. Africa’s boundaries are: the Mediterranean Sea by the north; the Suez Canal and the Red Sea to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The largest island outside the mainland is Madagascar. It has 54 independent countries, Algeria is the more extensive, the most populated is Nigeria and the smallest is the Republic of the Seychelles. Africa has a great diversity of ethnicities, cultures and languages, human communities that have very ancient origins.Scientists recognize Africa as the cradleof humanity: it was there where hominids developed four million years ago.
1.General Considerations
By size and population, Europe is the penultimate continent of the world; only Oceania is smaller. With 10.5 million km2, including its adjacent islands, it covers 2% of the surface of the earth and 6.8 of its total emerged. Its population of 788.9 millionrepresents a little less than 11% of the world population. It is located in the temperate zone.Europe extends from the island and country of Iceland in the the west, to the Ural Mountains of Russia in the east. Large islands are part of this continent, the largest is Great Britain (218.595 km2) then, the mentioned Iceland ( 101.826 km2) and Ireland (81.638 km2).
- Geography
The average height of Africa is 600 meters above sea level, and it does not have, like other continents, extremely high zones and other low ones, because plateaus predominate. Africa is a continent crossed by the equinoctial line and as it is so long, it extends from the temperate zones of the north to the temperate zones of the south, comprising numerous climatic zones.
3.Main Ecosystems
- Sahara Desert:The warmestin the world, with 9 million km2 of elevation. It covers most of North Africa, from the Red Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.
- Sahel:Tropical semi-arid savannah that borders to the north with the Sahara.
- Sudanese savanna:A tropical fruit savanna fringethat crosses the African continent, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ethiopian massif.
- Forest of the Congo:After a transition zone from the Sahel, the Congo forest occupies most of the Africa center. The second largest tropical forest continues in the world after the Amazonia.
- Namib Desert:It is the oldest desert in the world, since it existed during the Tertiary Era, 65 million years ago.
Kalahari Desert:Of 930,000 km2 of extension, it crosses several countries of the South African. - Okavango Delta:More than a delta, because it does not go out to sea, it is an extensive alluvial region flooded by the Okavango River, it is born from a quite rainy area in Angola.
- Great Lakes:A high plateau along the Great Rift Valleys hosts a series of large lakes, the best known being Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world.
- Sierra of Kenya: A series of mountains including Mount Kenya, which is located in the center of the country to which it gives its name and is the second highest peak in Africa, after Kilimanjaro.
- Ethiopian Massif: It is the mountainous region, formed by high plateausand plateaus, which extends to an averageheight of 1,500 meters above sea level by Etopia, Eritrea and north of Somalia in northwest Africa.
- Great Rift Valley:It is a large geological fracture whose total extension is 4,830 km in a north-south direction, and in Africa it goes from Djibouti to Mozambique
Africa is irrigated by large rivers, although relatively few. The main ones are Nilo ( the second longest in the world), Congo (second the most aboundant in the world), Senegal, Volta, Niger-Benue, Orange, Limpopo and Zambezi.
- It has 49 independent countries, of which the largest and most populated is Russia, and the smallest and least populated is Vatican City, and this is even the least extense state in the world.
- It has been said that Europe is "a maximum cultural diversity in a minimum geographical area" is the cradle of Western culture and has had a preponderant role in the world from the sixteenth century when European nations, starting with Spain and Portugal began the colonization of the other continents. Its influence decreasedafter the two World Wars. This allowed the resurgence of Europe, which has advanced in its integration through the European Union
Europe has a very limited coastlineprofile. Europe is sometimes described as apeninsulaof peninsulas. A peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides. Europe is a peninsula of the Eurasiansupercontinentand is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas to the south
Europe’s main peninsulas are the Iberian, Italian, and Balkans, located in southern Europe, and the Scandinavian and Jutland, located in northern Europe.
3.Physical Regions
Europe can be divided into four major physical regions, running from north to south:
Western Uplands: Also known as the Northern Highlands, they trace a curve at the western end of Europe and define the physical landscape of Scandinavia. They are characterized by their hard and ancient rocks that were shaped by glaciation. As the glaciers receded , they left a number of distinct physical features, including an abundance of marshlands, lakes and fjords. A fjord is a long and narrowinletof the sea that is surrounded by high ruggedcliffs.Many of Europe’s fjords are located in Iceland and Scandinavia.
North European Plain: It extends from the south of the United Kingdom towards Russia to the east. It includes parts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic States and Belarus. The climate is suitable for a wide variety of seasonal crops.Most fjords are located in Iceland and Scandinavia.
Central Uplands: It extends from east to west through central Europe and include the western part of France, Belgium, southern Germany, the Czech Republic and parts of northern Switzerland and Austria. This region is sparselypopulated, except in the Rhine, Rohne, Elbe and Danube river valleys
Alpine Mountains: Includes mountain ranges in the Italian and Balkan peninsulas, northern Spain and southern France. These diverse mountain ranges are the Alps themselves, the Pyrenees, the Apennines, the Dinaric Alps, the Balkans and the Carpathians.High elevations, ruggedplateaus, and steeply sloping land define the region. The highest peak in Europe is Mount Elbrus, located in the Caucasus mountains of Russia. The Alpine region also includes active volcanoes such as Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius in Italy.
Comparative Chart
- North: Mediterranean Sea.
- West: Atlantic Ocean.
- Northeast: Suez Canal and Red Sea.
- Southeast: Indian Ocean
Number of the Continent by size:
Number of Countries:
54 Countries
Biggest Country:
Smallest Country:
Interesting Fact:
Morocco is first tourist destination in Africa.
- North: Artic Ocean
- East: Asia and Uran Montain
- South: Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and and Caspian Sea.
- West: Atlantic Ocean
Number of the Continent by size:
Number of Countries:
50 Countries
Biggest Country:
Smallest Country:
Vatican City
Interesting Fact:
The Louvre is the most visited attraction in Europe.