GREEN TEA : I_like_pineapple._It_s_delightful.-removebg-preview

Top Five Herbal Drinks For Weight loss :

How Green Tea Helps In Weight Loss? ::

How To Prepare Green Tea?

Benefits Of Green Tea

Protect the brain from aging

Increases fat burning

Antioxidants may lower the risk of some cancers

Improve Brain Fuction

Reduce bad breath

Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

The caffeine present in green tea acts as a stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance in various studies. The massive range of antioxidants known as catechins helps burn fat and boost metabolism that is key to lose weight. :

Types Of Green Tea

6 Easy Steps For Making Green Tea
1.) Boil filtered water in an electric kettle.
Water temperature is different depending on the green tea. Look at the packaging to get the correct water temperature. Use an electric kettle with a temperature setting.

2.)Warm up mug.
Pour some hot water into the mug and swirl it around then discard the water.

3.) Put 2 teaspoons of loose green tea into a mug with an infuser.

4.) Add hot water and steep for 5 seconds.
Fill the mug halfway and swirl the hot water around. After 5 seconds, take out the infuser and throw out the water.

5.) Pour in 1 cup of hot water and steep tea for 45 seconds.
Make sure the lid is on while the tea steeps.

6.) Take out infuser and drink.

Basically There are lots of green tea but we only Discuss about major 3 Types Of green tea

1.) Sencha Green Tea

2.) Matcha Green Tea

3.) Gyokuro Green Tea

1.) Green Tea

2.) Aloe vera Juice

3.) Lemon Juice

4,) Neem Juice

Honey and Cinnamon Drink

What is Green Tea?

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas. Green tea originated in China, but its production and manufacture has spread to other countries in East Asia.