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Social - Coggle Diagram
Ultimate = for the species
groom for ectoparasite
predatir defense
sifaka mob a boa George to rescue Ella
raising of offspring
resource utilization
population dispersal
reproductive strategy
Social bonding
find food
Fear reduction
Solly Zuckerman
"Social Life of Monkeys and Apes"
London zoo: bamboo
Sexual Attraction
bring animals together
Dominance Hierarchy
each monkey has a place like in military
T.C. Schneirla
"gregarious tendency" = like to be social
obligative (genetic) -- facultative (learned)
Characteristics = Group Social Structure
marmoset, tamarin, gibbon
each family is terrotorial
siamang - "dueting"
less sexual dimorphism
more parental care (communcal rearing)
dad carry baby
both male/female offspring leave or assist rearing siblings
only 1 monkey: Mentawai langur on Siberut Island near Sumatra
Titi monkey - "tail-twining"
not 100% loyal
tarsiers in Indonesia
polygyny = one male with female
huge sexual dimorphism
sons emigrate to
bachelor bands
+ moms and daughters stay
every 4-5 yrs
kill kids of previous adult males -> females quickly reproduce
bachelor bank takeover of single-male + female harem
howler monkey, patas monkey, geunons
hamadryas & gelada baboon: social unit within
sleeping herd
one-male polygyny within large herd
geleda baboon:
Bruce Effect
females miscarry if there is a male takeover
solitary forager
common in prosimian: mouse lemur, galago, loris, aye-aye
territorial male
social = overlapping femlaes
adolescent males/females emigrate "vagabond males"
tarsier in Phillipines, orangs
multi-male / multi-female
old leader
silverback male (α, leader)
fission (apart) / fusion (together) = community
chimps, muriqui, spider monkeys
chimps: core resident males
bonobo: female and affiliated males
sexually segregated
males and females not interact much
ringtailed lemur, talapoin monkey, squirrel monkey
reduces social tensions among males
dominant females
Ground-living OW monkeys
variation: ringtailed lemurs, squirrel monkeys, gorillas, chimps
female choice -> sexual dimorphism
females >> males, females related
adult male
dominance hierarchy
Male emigration (sometimes female)
female gorillas emigrate to other group
2 groups together is dangerous
Ethology: study of natural behaviors in natural setting
Sociobiology: behaviors explained by adaptive benefits
Comparative Psychology:
Behavioral Neuroscience (brain) & Evolutionary Psychology