motion produced by a motor is transformed and converted by mechanisms to receiving elements such as wheels

Linear motion mechanisms

Mechanisms are devices that transmit and convert forces and motion from driving force or input element to an output element

diverse uses

most important element in all of them is the driving force, for example a string

entertaining children in the park

lifting and carrying objects

Transporting people from A to B

telling the time

Fixed pulley

Movable pulley


F is the force or effort applied at one end of the bar

R i s the resistance or load which acts at the other end of the bar

rigid bar that is supported by a fulcrum.

d is the distance from F to the fulcrum

r is the distance from R to the fulcrum

equation: F d= f · r

type of levers:

Class 2: resistance is between the fulcrum and effort applied.Effect of the effort applied is always multiplied

Class 3:effort applied is between the fulcrum. Effect of the effort applied is always reduced.

Class 1: fucrum is between the effort applied and the resistance.Effect of the effort applied can be multiplied or reduced


Used to raise and lower loads easily

is a wheel that has a groove around lt into which a rope,
cham or belt fits It rotates around an axle that is fixed to an immobile surface

example: wells and gym equipment

equation: F=R/2

effort required to move a load is half the effort needed to move the same load with a fixed pulley.

is a set of two pulleys — one is fixed while the other
can move in a linear direction.

Compound pulley

more pulleys, system becomes more complex, but less
effort is needed to move the load

(n = the number of movable pulleys).

is a system of fixed and moveable pulleys, often called block and

example: lifts

Rotary motion mechanisms

Worm gear

Gear mechanisms and cogwheels

Friction drives

Pulleys with belt

transmit motion and effort in a circular way

Gear mechanisms with a chain

first wheel is called the primary drive wheel. When it moves, it
turns or drives the second or output wheel, causing it to move as well.

N, D, = N, Dr-->D1/D2=N1/N2

are made up of two or more wheels that are in contact

N1 and N2 are the velocities of the primary drive wheel

D1 ans D2 are the corresponding diameters

axles are parallel and they rotate simultaneously due to the effect
of the belt.

rotation of one axle is transmitted to the other through the
connected pulleys.

consist of two pulleys or wheels that are a certain distance apart.

Uses: industnal machines

cogs fit into the spaces between the cogs of another wheel,

They transmit a rotary motion between the two connected axles

Cogwheels are sets of wheels that have teeth called cogs.

Gears can be cylindncal or conical.

N, Z ,=N ,.Z-->Z,/Z2=N2/N1

N, and N, are the velocities of the corresponding wheels.

Z1 and Z2 are the numbers of teeth.

Nwheel=Nscrew.Zgrooves/ Zwheel

is a screw that moves a helical cogwheel that is set perpendicular to the screw

N„„ , and N „„ are the velocities of the wheel and of the screw

Z, „ is the number of grooves of the screw and Z„„, is the number of teeth of the wheel

are two cogwheels with parallel axles that are a certain distance apart

N, Z, = N, Z--> Z1/Z2=N2/N1

N an d N, are the velocities of the corresponding wheels

Z a nd Z, are the number of teeth

Gear train


N, and N, are the velocities of the dnve wheel and the driven wheel.

This is a system of more than two gears, connected together as shown in the diagram

Z , Z,, Z, and Z„are the number of teeth on the wheels.

Pulley trains with belts

N1 and N, are the respective velocities of the drive and driven

De Dn Di and D, are the diameters of each wheel


Rotary motion is transmitted to axle to by the belt

Pulleys 2 and 3 same velocity

belt transmt motion of pulley 3 to 4

whells rotate at same direction

Variation in velocity

Constant system

Reducing system

Multiplying system


From rotary into reciprocating motion

click to edit

From rotary into lineal

Nut and bolt system

winch and crack handle

rack and pinion system

L= PxZxN

L is the velocity of the rack's movement in millimetres per

uses a pinion that is a small cogwheel, mounted on a rack

P is the distance between two consecutive teeth in millimetres.

Z is the number of teeth in the pinion.

N is the number of rotations per minute of the pinion

bolt or threaded bar and a nut that has the same
intenor diameter as the diameter of the bolt.

consists of a drum that rotates and acrank handle that allows to pull or lift obiects

F d= R . r -->F=R. Rxr/d

A crack is a bar attached to an axle that is used to turn it

F is the force applied and R, the resistance.

r is the radius of the winch and d, the length of the crank handle.



rod has articulated Ioints at each end

As the wheel rotates, the crank transmits the rotary motton to the
connecting rod

is composed of a crank and a rod called a connecting rod or link.

is a set of connecting rods attached to a jointed axle. Each of the
points of the axle acts as a crank.

A crankshaft transforms the rotary motion of an axle into a
reciprocating motion with different connecting rods


We can change the shape and the usable profiles

A cern transforms rotary motion
into reciprocating motion in the follower or bar

is a rotating object that pushes a follower as it moves

A set of cams fixed on the same axle is called a camshaft

Eccentric cam

transforms the rotary motion of the
wheel into reciprocating motion in the follower

This consists of a wheel with an off centre rotation axle


Mechanisms that store energy

Connecting mechanisms

Mechanisms for controlling and directing motion

Disc brakes consist of pads and a disc anached to the oblect that we want to slow down

Brand brakes consist of a metal band that puts pressure on drum attached to the axle of the oblect

most typical mechanism is ratchet

Drum brakes include one or two brake shoes that come into
contact with the drum.

By compression

By traction

Springs are devices that absorb energy

By torsion

Fixed connections are used to make permanent connections
between axles and shafts

Mo v able connections are used to connect shafts that can move
along the axle or at an angle to each other

Clutches are mechanisms that allow axles or shafts to be connected or separated

Supports: bushings and bearings

Bearings are made up of two concentric nngs with balls or rollers
between them

In bushings the axle or the shaft is inserted in a plain circular piece that is placed inside a housing to provide a bearing surface.













