Main idea/theme
The horror is just around the corner
Can only see the shoes at any point, nothing more
A shadow of a figure can be seen emerging
Main character is constantly harassed, in times of safety (cupboard scene), shoes will appear.
Overly confident-always checks round the corner and wants to find out what's going on.
Fight or flight-will always fight, apart from final encounter with shoes
Just broke up w ex, opening scene of man leaving with boxes, obviously doubtful about ending the relationship.
Main character-plot revolves around her stubbornness to admit something supernatural and her belief being broken down to the point of insanity.
Only seen in opening scene and "supposedly" in the final scene, when his car is pulling into the driveway
Similar to Millie, did not want relationship to end, which leads to his car returning
Ending / twist
Although John's car returns, Millie doesn't see anyone walk up to the door before the final knock. Although sceptical, Millie opens the door to see no-one. Then she looks down to see the brogues for one final time.
Horror movie characteristics
Sound: scattered click clack of hard shoes at times of silence (hereditary), breathing of Millie in times of stress. Silence will be used to create unease.
Music/soundtrack: all music will be diegetic and used for the benefit of the horror
Camera techniques will be crucial to jump-scares. e.g. final reveal is a whip pan from where Millie is looking to the ground, where the brogues are, then a final whip-pan back up to a face. Dolly zooms, long takes + extreme closeups will be used to increase tension
Not a typical demon or spirit but rather a pair of shoes
Only brogues and the shadow of a figure are present throughout. Face or body/legs are not shown until final twist