Causes of the French Revolution
National Assembly
Absolute Monarchy (Absolutism)
The National Assembly took place on a tennis court on June 20, 1789-1793. Its goal was to bring equality, liberty, and fraternity to the 3rd estate or just to the people. They accomplished to put an end to feudalism, and class privilege.
Absolute monarchy - A form of government where a king or queen has absolute power to a society.
People didn't like this because of the citizens resenment over the king Loui XVI on how he ruled the nation (his authority)
Taxes were all payed by the peasants and or unprivileged, basically the third estates. Where the First and Second Estate didn't have to pay taxes
Economy based in agriculture.
Farmers also had to pay taxes and those who were having poor harvest had troubles paying regular taxes. Causing wheat shortage and during the time bread was a huge thing. Where the cost of bread went up due to the quality of the bread and because of that peasants weren't able to afford.
Manage to gather wealth, where first and second estate didn’t have to pay taxes, but 3rd estate did. They were the one who would identify a persons class estate.
The Old Regime
Louis XVI
The old regime is a socio-political system put on most of Europe during the 18th century. Where in countries monarch had absolute control over the government, also called absolutism. where classes of people were created, the privileged and the unprivileged
The enlightenment was what made people question and revolt the government system and the kings way of ruling.
Also known as the Sun king was the longest reigning monarch for over 80 years. Was a poor and bad leader, which he had made decision that caused the nation to go bankrupt.