在足月婴儿配方奶中预制成花生四烯酸和DHA的比例似乎与来自营养丰富,杂食母亲的母乳相似的比例似乎是适当的。对于足月婴儿,每公斤体重的规定应为600毫克亚油酸,50毫克α-亚麻酸,40毫克花生四烯酸及其相关的n-6脂肪酸和20毫克二十二碳六烯酸。(it would seem proper to provide both arachidonic acid and DHA preformed in term infant formula milks in similar proportions to breast milk from well-nourished, omnivorous mothers. For term infants, the provision, per kilogramme of body weight should amount to 600 mg of linoleic acid, 50 mg of a-linolenic acid, 40 mg of arachidonic acid and its associated n-6 fatty acids and 20 mg of docosahexanoic acid. )