Sleep Difficulties: Frequent waking, nightmares, and fear of falling asleep.
Somatic Complaints: Headaches, stomach aches, aches and pains with no clear medical cause.
Increased aggressive behavior/angry outbursts
Increased Activity Level
Hypervigilance: Worries, fears, overreaction to loud noises or sudden movements.
Regression: Loss of skills learned at an earlier age, "babyish" behavior.
Withdrawal: Loss of interest in friends, school, or other activities the student used to enjoy.
Numbing: Showing no feelings at all, not bothered by anything.
Increased separation anxiety: Refuses to go to school, very upset when left with a babysitter or childcare provider.
Distractibility: Has trouble concentrating at school or home.
Changes in play: Repeatedly acts out or recreates violent events in play, less able to play spontaneously or creatively