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Chapter 27: The European Crisis Deepens- World War II - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 27: The European Crisis Deepens- World War II
Prelude to War
Collective security and League of Nations: disarmament, pact, treaties useless
capable of building a great civilization
(living space): nation's power depended on land it occupied
Hitler: Russia powerful b/c of German leadership, Bolsheviks were Jewish and left nation weak
Germany vs. Soviet Union War inevitable
Germans wanted world power
Hitler wanted to create Aryan racial empire
"Diplomatic revolution"
: Hitler chancellor of Germany
Convinced Germany to build army →
Anglo-German Naval Pact
(allowed Germany to build navy)
British started
(satisfied demands of dissatisfied powers- but powers weren't content)
German troops entered demilitarized
(French did nothing = Hitler encouraged)
Hitler and Mussolini's
Rome-Berlin Axis
(for common political + economic interests)
Treaty of Versailles scrapped, Germany a "world power"
: (new warfare) "lighting war" used air power and mechanized columns
Panzer divisions
: tanks, mechanized infantry, and mobile artillery' formed strike forces
Neville Chamberlain
(prime minister of Britain ) was advocate of appeasement for British to survive
Germans annexed Austria
Germans asked for autonomy for
Munich Conference
: British, French, Germans, and Italians met Hitler's demands
Chamberlain: Munich agreement =
"peace for our time"
British and France need Soviet Union to help w/ Hitler
1939 nonaggression pact
: Stalin and Hitler allies
Hitler invaded Poland = British and France declared war on Germany
Japan cut off from Western resources (tariffs from depression), but political democracy grew
Japan withdrew from League of Nations
Japan seized Manchuria (renamed to
Japan and China in war
Japan and Germany assumed joint attack on Soviet Union (until non-aggression pact)
US cut off iron and oil to Japan = attack on American naval fleet
The Course of World War II
Germany and Poland conquered and divided Poland
France built
Maginot Line
(series of armed fortifications) along border w/ Germany
"Phony war"
(winter of waiting) before invading Denmark and Norway
Netherlands fell, invaded Belgium (like in WWI) as a trick = main assualt on France
"Miracle of Dunkirk"
: French and British cornered by Germans = evacuation saved them
Mussolini invaded south of France = surrender
Chamberlain resigned after dissatisfaction w/ appeasement =
Winston Churchill
became prime minister
Hitler wanted land east, but Britain wouldn't surrender =
Battle of Britain
Needed to control air before invading + mass bombed
Tried different plans (ex: capturing Suez, force Italians to fight)
Hitler thought Britain in war b/c of Soviet support = crush Soviet Union
Nazis exhausted = no more discipline = inevitable defeat
Japanese attacked US naval base at
Pearl Harbor
= US declared war on Japan = Hitler declared war on US (loose allies w/ Japan)
Thought material indulgence made Americans soft, but attack = support for Roosevelt's war policy
Tokyo created
Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
(entire region under Japan)
Grand Alliance
(Britain, US, and Soviet Union) vs. Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan)
Hitler declared war on US, stress on military = strengthened alliance
unconditional surrender
= Germans and Japanese didn't arrange a negotiated peace + cemented alliance
Erwin Rommel and the Afrika Korps
attacked in North Africa
Germany attacked
, but Soviet Union forced them to surrender (turning point of war)
US planes attacked Japanese aircraft carriers = US naval superiority in the
Battle of Midway
Mussolini arrested + Italian gov. surrendered to Allies (Germany liberated Mussolini)
Allies landed assault divisions in
beaches = liberated from Germany
Soviets defeated Germans in
Battle of Kursk
(tank battle)
Mussolini shot, Hitler committed suicide, Germany surrendered
Japan kept fighting = US dropped atomic bombs
The New Order
Based on "equal chances" (not Hitler's idea)
Race determined how conquered were treated in
Nazi New Order
Inferior (more like Aryans) were given leniency
Ethnic Germans moved to Poland
Goal: Poles, Ukrainians, and Soviets are slaves w/ German peasants to Germanize them
Germans seized materials, machines, and food = locals at bare subsistence level
Labor shortages = brutal recruitment = opposition
Germans: liberators from Communist rule. Hitler: killed Slavic as subhumans = support and join guerrilla
Charles de Gaulle's governments-in-exile and White Rose
Women spied, carried resources, smuggled Jews
Claus von Stauffenberg
: eliminating Hitler = overthrow of Nazis (planted a bomb)
: attempt to exterminate Jews (parasites trying to destroy Aryans)
Emigration favored
Madagascar Plan
: mass shipment of Jews to Madagascar (impractical)
Final Solution
: annihilation of Jews (controlled by SS)
rounded up all Polish Jews in ghettos → round up Jews and execute and bury (SS death squads killed 1 mil)
Jews from Germany or countries sympathetic to Germany brought to extermination centers
(concentration camp) - Birkenau (extermination camp) was largest and most infamous
Took Jews to
gas chambers
claiming they were taking a shower → burned in crematoria
Wannsee Conference
: worked out bureaucratic details so party and state officials would cooperate in elimination of Jews
Nazis killed Gypsies, Slavic, Poles, Ukrarians, Belorussians Soviets, homosexuals
Japan's war policy was defensive (used resources and people from colonies)
Japanese didn't respect lives of their subject people
The Home Front
WWII more of total war than WWI (more widespread, economic mobilization, mobilization of women, more civilian casualties)
British civilians had "war work" and used women as
"land girls"
(agricultural labor usually done by men)
"Dig for Victory"
: campaign to increase food production ("Grow Your Own Food" campaigns)
British rationed and still had food shortages
WWII known as
Great Patriotic War
to Soviets
Stalin created "super-centralization"
Initial defeats = emergency mobilization = 900 days of siege
"Battle of machines" = food and housing shortages
"Night Witches"
: women used as combatants (snips and aircrew)
Peasants part of military and worked long hours on collective farms for no pay
Fought for "Mother Russia" not Communist ideology
US faced no threat in own territory
Arsenal of Allied powers
Mobilization = expanded economy (end to Great Depression) war goods and new factories, new industries, gov. involvement in economy
Problems: shortage of houses health facilities, and schools, teenage prostitution, movement of ppl
Sent Japanese Americans to camps to pledge loyalty (never for Germans or Italians)
Hitler believed collapse of Germany's home front in WWI = defeat
Refused to convert from consumer goods to armaments
Until US joined war = increase in armaments and size of army
Albert Speer
: minister for armaments and munitions, tripled production of armaments, didn't cut consumer goods
When buildings closed, remaining resources for production used for military (too late)
Nazis started to use women for war effort (were against it in WWI)
Japan was mobilized, gov. set up planning board to control economy
: way of the warrior (code of morality of samurai) emphasized honor, loyalty, and sacrifice
: suicide pilots against US warships
Didn't use women to solve labor shortages (used Korean and Chinese), women need to stay home
Bombing used against civilians was ineffective
had nightly air raids
: British name for German air raids
Arthur Harris
led bombings to break civilian morale in Germany
bombing created a firestorm = Allies began to criticize unnecessary bombing of Germany
Bombing didn't take away morale of Germans (more stubborn)
Home front couldn't be scapegoats like Jews for WWI (home front fought hard)
Allied Strategic Bombing Survey
said production of material increased in Germany
US scared of German's attempts to create uranium superbomb recruited scientists to develop atomic bomb (started
Manhattan Project
J. Robert Oppenheimer
led the group building first atomic bomb
Japanese gov. ordered mobilization (feared American casualties) =
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
atomic bombed
Aftermath of the War
WWII most destructive war
Germany: racial extermination and enslavement
Japan: extreme nationalist and mass murder
"War is horrible, but slavery is worse" - Churchill
"Displaced persons"
: people uprooted by war (hard to return home)
Germans expelled from Sudetenland in Czech
Japanese returned to former Empire
Victor of Allies followed by
Cold War
Cause: military, political, and ideological differences btwn Soviets and US
Big Three
of Grand Alliance: Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill
Conference at
: decided on American-British invasion of Germany through France
Conference at
: "Declaration on Liberated Europe" = pledge to create democracies
Stalin suspicious of West, wanted economic resources and military positions
Roosevelt wanted Soviet help against Japan for lands
Created United Nations created
Free elections in Soviet Union to determine new gov.
German reparations worked out
US and Soviets viewed each other as unbecoming of "allies"
Troubled East-West relations surfaced after WWII's temporary alliance
US terminated Lend-Lease aid and didn't respond to Soviet request for reconstruction loan
Soviets didn't fulfil "Declaration on Liberated Europe" (new gov. under Communist)
Conference started w/ mistrust
Truman demanded free elections (Stalin thought the govs. would be anti-Soviet)
Cold War started when Soviets wanted security
Soviets rejected US's proposition of 25 year disarmament of Germany = proof of Communist East German state
US troops moved to Europe = proof of creation of independent West Germany
Different ideologies: communism (Soviets) vs. economic imperialism/global capitalist expansionism (US), ]
Churchill declared
"an iron curtain"
btwn West and Soviets
Stalin saw this as a call to war