The first records of sugar came from New Guinea in 8000Bc, local mythology says that it came after a man-made love to a sugar cane. Then, through a trade of migration routes, it made its way to India. In the 12th century, sugar arrived in Europe, to its rarity, it quickly became a symbol of royalty, queen Elizabeth the 1st had a genuine love of sugar. So much so that her teeth rotted and went black from it. At the start of the 20th-century sugar was still seen as a treat, but then in 1955 an even happened that affects the amount of sugar we eat today. This was the heart attack that the use president suffered, the issues of heart attack was thrust into the public domain. Then two scientists were set out to figure out the problem, one American scientist believed that fat was to blame and an English scientist believed that sugar was the problem. By the end of the 1970s, the American scientists won the debate and fat became the enemy. Fat was lowered and sugar was exonerated. By removing fat they needed to replace it so they replaced it with sugar.