New Technologies Applied to
Conceptualization of teaching aids.
The teaching aids have for many years served as a support to increase the
effectiveness of the teacher's work
It is important to emphasize that the teaching aids are closely linked to the
methods to enable the achievement of the objectives set
clasificacion :
According to the degree of objectivity, going from the most concrete to the most abstract.
• According to its material characteristics.
• According to the generational stage, assessing the moment of appearing in the teaching.
• According to the textbook or program of the subject.
• According to the didactic function they perform.
Teaching-learning processes as communication processes
In the Teaching - Learning process, the teaching aids are a factor
key within the didactic process.
Role played by the teacher and the student in a traditional model of
teaching and in an alternative model.
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The role of the teacher is equally important and even decisive. It is up to him
sensitize towards the new frontier of learning or remain locked in the models of the
traditional learning.
When changing the learning model, it is necessary to logically change the role of the student, that is,
that is, their contribution to the task of learning.
The media and the curriculum; conceptions of the media.
. I know
they constitute support resources for teaching.
. I know
they constitute support resources for teaching.
The various studies of educational psychology have shown the advantages that
presents the use of audiovisual media in the teaching-learning process.
. Within this definition
In general we find the following main topics:
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Comunication system
• Informatic
•Office tools that contribute to communication