Why was there a rapid expansion of empire building in the nineteenth century?

technological advances


Made the buildings possible

Machine guns

Key motive

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Explorers and misionaries

Discovered new territories

Dr livingstone

he kept detaile record of places that had never beeen mapped before

facilited the expansion of the empires

Medicine had advanced

Some wanted to make themsekves wealthy

Others were just seeking adventures

Missionaries undermined the local power structures and traditional beliefs of the society they entered

Economic Reasons

Key motives

New markets

territories will contribute raw materials and food products

Cheap labours

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People Growth

One in three people in the world ere european

1 million people starved and 1 million emigrated

Massive increased of people

nationalism And National Rivalries

The public supported in expand

European leaders wanted colonies to complete with rival eurpoean powers

Strategic Reasons

Having a reliable supply of coal to fuel a navy

Britain had a larger navy than a lot of Europeans counrties