Causes of the Environmental Degradation


Rapid population growth puts strain on natural resources

Mortality rate has gone down due to better medical facilities

More demand for food, clothes and shelter.

results in deforestation to provide more space and food


Air pollution pollutes the air that we breathe, which causes health issues.

Water pollution degrades the quality of water that we use for drinking purposes.

Land pollution results in the degradation of the earth’s surface as a result of human activities.

Noise pollution can cause irreparable damage to our ears

Intensive farming

Usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides

It has also contributed to the rise in pollution.

Urban sprawl

Migration of a population from populated towns to low density residential development over more and more rural land.

spreading of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural land.


Rapid growth in population and urban sprawl are two of the major causes of deforestation.

Forest land for agriculture, animal grazing, harvest for fuelwood and logging


Rapid industrialisation added to air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.

Rapid industrialisation added to air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.