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Immune System Valerie Perez Period-2 - Coggle Diagram
Immune System Valerie Perez Period-2
Anatomy of the Lymphatic System
No pump
Moves by milking action of skeletal muscles surrounding the lymphatic vessels
Fluid carried by the lymphatic vessels
A one way system that moves towards the heart
Lymphatic Organs
Lymph Nodes
Covered with CT that extends inside the node & divides into nodules & spaces called sinuses
Located along lymphatic vessels
Occur in long chains
Contain lymphocytes & macrophages
Bean-shaped, with blood vessels, nerves, & efferent lymphatic vessels attached
Remove bacteria & cellular debris before lymph is returned to the blood
The upper left abdominal cavity & is the body's largest lymphatic organ
Resembles a large lymph node except that it contains blood instead of lymph
Spleen filters the blood & removes damaged cells & bacteria
Composed of white pulp (lymphocytes) & red pulp (red blood macrophages & lymphocytes)
Secreted hormones called thymosins, which regulate of T lymphocyte development
Covered by CT capsule that extends inside it & divides it into lobules
Located behind the sternum, above the heart (shrinks in size during lifetime)
Lobules contain lymphocytes, some mature into T cells that leave to provide immunity
Lymph Nodules
Subject to chronic infection
Palatine tonsils ("the tonsils")
Pharyngeal tonsils may impair breathing if enlarged
Pharyngeal tonsils (aka adenoids)
Has three masses of Lymphoid tissue around the openings of the mouth & throat
Lingual tonsils
Major functions
Lymphatic System
Comprised of network of vessels that assist in the circulation of body fluid
Lymphatic vessels collect & carry away (one way) excess fluid from interstitial spaces
Drains excess fluid from tissue
Return clean fluids & leaked proteins back to the blood
Organs, cells, & biochemicals of the lymphatic system help defend against disease
Special vessels called lacteals transport fats to the circulatory system
Immune System
Sytem organs & reactions of the body, provide resistance to infections & toxins
Functions as the body's defense against infectious pathogens
Keep pathogens out & attacks those that do enter the body
Immune Defenses
Innate (natural) Immune Defenses
Respond rapidly
"Born with it"
Natural Killer Cell: Type of lymphocyte defends the body, secrete & chemicals that enhance inflammation
Inflammation: Tissue response to a pathogen
Chemical Barriers: Destroy pathogens on outer body surface
Phagocytosis: Removes foreign particles from the lymph
Mechanical Barriers: Body's first line of defense; skin, hair, mucus, & sweat
Fever: Interfere with the proper conditions that promote bacterial growth, phagocytic cells attack when temperature rises
Species Resistance: Species is resistant to diseases that effect other species
Adaptive (acquired) Immune Defenses
Response mounted by the body against specific, recognized foreign molecules
Body's third line of defense
Naturally Acquired Active Immunity: occurs after exposure to the antigen itself
Artficially Acquired Active Immunity: Occurs through the use of vaccines with out the person becoming ill from the disease
Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity: Involves the injection of gamma globulin containing antibodies
Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity: Occurs as antibodies are passed from mother to fetus & is short-lives
Two lines of defense against pathogens
Pathogens: Disease causing agents that can produce infections within the body
Disorders associated with the Immune System
Immune System Disorders
AIDS, HIVS which cause AIDS is an acquired virus infection that destroys important white blood cells & weakens the immune system
Temporary acquired immune deficiencies: immune system can be weakened by certain medications
Severe combined immunodeficiency: Immune deficiency that is presented at birth
Overactive Immune System
Eczema: Allergen causes an itchy rash known as a topic dermatitis
Allergic rhinitis: Sneezing, runny nose, sniffing, & swelling of your nasal passages
Asthma: Can be triggered by common allergens like dust or pollen or by an irritant like tobacco smoke
Autoimmune disease
Lupus: Disease that attacks body tissues, including the lungs, kidneys, & skin
Type 1 Diabetes: Immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Causes swelling & deformities of the joints
Humoral-Meditated & Cell-Mediated Immunity
Cellular Response
Cell type: B lymphocytes
Mode of Action: Antobodies circulating in serum
Mechanism: Antibody-mediated
Purpose: Primary defense against extracellular pathogens; extracellular bacteria & circulating virus
Humoral Response
Cell type: T Lymphocytes
Mode of action: Directs cell to cell contact or secreted soluble products
Mechanism: Cell-mediated
Purpose: Primary defense against extracellular pathogens; Viruses & fungi, extracellular bacteria
Antigens & Antibodies
In order for the T cells to be activated, antigens must be in the presence (B cells or macrophages)
Soluble protein secreted by plasma cells (derived by B cells)
Carried by body fluids, capable of binding specifically to antigens
Five Major Types of antibodies
IgG: Marks microbes so other cells can recognize & deal with them
IgM: Expert at killing bacteria
IgA: Congregates in fluids, such as tears & saliva, where protects gateways into the body
IgE: Protects against parasites & also to blame for allergies
IgD: Stays bound to B lymphocytes, helping them to start the immune response
Cells involved in the Immune System
Memory T-Cells
Provide a no delay response to any future exposure to the same antigen
White blood cells, body's main types of immune cells
T Lymphocyte (T cells)
Involved in cell-mediated immunity
Cause direct destruction of virus invaded cells & mutant cells
B Lymphocyte (B cells)
Secretes antibodies that indirectly lead to the destruction of foreign material
Made & develops in the bone marrow & thymus
Involved in humoral or antibody-mediated immunity
Natural Killer (NK Cells)
Activated in response to inferons
Secrete chemicals that enhance inflammation
Cytotoxic T-Cells
Monitor the body's cells, recognizing & eliminating tumor cells & virus-infected cells