Zero Conditional
First Conditional
Second Conditional
Use: I talk about things that are always true
[If + Present Simple], [Present Simple]
[If + Present Simple], ["Will" Future]
Use: I talk about possibilities in the present or future
[If + Past Simple], [Conditional ("Would" + base form)]
Use: I talk about imaginary situations in the present or future
[If + Past Perfect], [Conditional ("Would" + base form)]
Use: I talk about present result of a past condition
[If + Past Simple], [Conditional ("Would" + have + participle)]
Use: I talk about past result of a present condition
Example: If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils
Example: if it's sunny, we'll go to the park
Example: If I won a million dollars, I would buy a new car
Example: If I had listened to your advice, I wouldn't be in the mess
Example: If you were a good cook, you would have invited them to dinner