Short and Long term consequences of exploitations of racism towards darker skinned people

The Transatlantic Slave Trade of African Slaves

White skinned people thought that they are the highest for their skin color, and the darker skinned people were more poor and not human.

The slaves were African slaves which are resistant to most European diseases and stronger with less urges to leave.

These African slaves had different descriptions towards their identity

They were dark skinned individuals

They had different accents

They spoke different languages

They had different religion and ideas

Casualties towards darker skinned people

They were either captured by police for no obvious reason

They were killed in the process of racism

They end themselves because of the racism towards them

They are hit and attacked for their identity

Spoken badly towards for their differences

They are bullied mentally

They are bad mouthed

Not allowed somewhere for their skin color

Not being allowed in Supermarkets and being watched constantly

Not being allowed in high rank stores with expensive goods