Teaching writing

Writing secuenses

Poetry writing image image

Write a story image image

To collect specifics aspects to explain it in detail in your own text image

Dictation activities image

Piano piece image

Remmember and forguetting image image

Portfolios and journals

To evaluate and to have evidence image image

Language passport It’s a statement in a language learning context.
image image

Dossier Students keeps examples of their work. image

Language biography: to set targets for themselves and record and reflect on their language learning experience. image image


Genre writing features image image

Worries about adopting a genre approach image image

Genre image

Writing as a collaborative activity image image

Creative thinking image image

Building the writing habit

Writing-for-learning, writing-for-reading

The roles of the teacher image

Resource image

Feedback provider image

Motivator image

To respond to music image

To make students feel comfortable about writing image

Instant writing image image

Harmer, J. (2015). Writing. The Practice of English Language Teaching (pp. 365-383). Person Education ESL.