Four Draft Goals
1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability
Gain greater general knowledge on how to cater for students with disabilities from their support networks. Improve on obtaining information from various sources (ie carers, parents, healthcare professionals) regarding specific student needs, as well as best approaches to assist them in their learning. This will help me to introduce practices and adjustments that positively encourage engagement in learning.
5.1 Assess student learning
Develop my skills in diagnostic assessment of my students, particularly through the process of conferencing with students and using established methods such as KTN ("things I know, think I know, want to know") and KWL ("what I know, want to know, and learned") charts (Campbell & Campbell, 2008 p.14-15). This will enable me to elicit student background knowledge which will allow me to better target teaching practices that cater for their needs more specifically and identify oversights in my lesson planning.
5.1 Assess student learning
Develop the ability to identify and educate students on working collaboratively. Utilise multiple sources of evidence to understand whether students have previously engaged in collaborative activities to determine the amount of support required. This will assist in developing students’ ability to work effectively in groups.
3.5 Use effective classroom communication
Improve on clarity of explanation of complex mathematical concepts. During my next professional experience I will engage with relevant literature on how to explain concepts and provide multiple means of representation (CAST, 2018). This will assist with developing my communication, it will support engagement and make concepts more visible to my students.