Astronomy Topic

  1. Day & Night
  1. Seasons
  1. Other planets (day/night/year)?



Earth's axis




Earth's rotation

  1. Moon




  1. Introduction: Shadows are an absence of light

NZC AO: L1/2 Planet Earth & Beyond. Students will share ideas and observations about the Sun and the Moon and their physical effects on the heat and light available to Earth.

NZC AO: L3- Planet Earth & Beyond. Investigate the components of the solar system, developing an appreciation of the distances between them.

BSC 9 - Shadows BIG IDEA As the Earth spins, the angle at which the Sun's rays strike the Earth changes.

BSC 43 & 44 Spring & Spring is a Season In Spring we experience many changes around us


BSC 8 The Moon 1. The change in relative positions of the Moon, Earth & Sun determine the apparent changes in the shape of the Moon

BSC 8 The Moon. 2. The way the Moon's gravity pulls the spinning Earth causes the environmental patterns of tides.

Months/Lunar cycles/calendar

BSC 8 The Moon The Earth's system is a small part of a solar system within the vast system of the Universe

BSC 28 The Night Sky - constellations, star patterns, technology, changing ideas towards celestial objects/theories.

BSC 20 Our Star, the Sun 1. Earth's system is a small part of a solar system within the vast system of the Universe.

BSC 20 Our Star the Sun. 2. The Sun is the ultimate source of energy for life on Earth

position in solar system allows conditions for life

Universe/galaxy/solar system

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT ARB activity - Would a person standing at 'w' see an eclipse?

IGNITER Shadow Art WHAT IS A SHADOW?????Homework task? Create some shadow art?


Assessment? Create own solar system - explain conditions on each planet?

Level 2-4 Planet Earth & Beyond
Describe the components and varying conditions across the Solar System, and the effect of the Sun on life on Earth.