Lesson: The lesson I have created will allow students to experiment with multiple tools in order to determine the strength, hardness, flexibility, and reaction to water and fire of multiple materials. Students will be guided through each station, where each tool will be used to experiment and collect data on the characteristics of their physical properties. Students will be asked to make a small bridge out of each material. Students will weigh a Quarter, and then test to see how many quarters the bridge can hold. This will test the strength of the bridge as well as show the flexibility of the material and if it will bend when adding quarters. Students will be able to touch and feel each material to determine hardness. Lastly, students will see how the materials react in water. As a class, the teacher will demonstrate the reactions of the material in the fire.
Standard: 4.P.2.1 Compare the physical properties of samples of matter (strength, hardness, flexibility, ability to conduct heat, ability to conduct electricity, ability to be attracted by magnets, reactions to water and fire.