Making money and saving the planet don't always go hand in hand but things are chancing

Due to the fact that we all become more aware about the crisis facing the environment, more young people are turning their green ideas into successful business

For this reason, Prince William and Sir David Attenborough want people to come up with 50 solutions to the enviromental problems by 2030 and they'r giving 1 milion £ to the best ones


Anna and her brother William use old coffee grounds to make skincare products

Anna came up with this idea when she was sat in her local coffee shop and wondered where all the coffee waste went. The cafè owner told her that it was sent to a landfill where the coffee rots and prduces methane so it has a negative effect on the enviorment.

After a little bit of investigation, she realised that coffee had skincare benefits, so she asked the coffee shop if she could have the coffee grounds and she started making skincare scrubs

Then she took them to a coffee festival and sold out on the first day. This is how her brand "Upcircle Beauty" born

She said: " I wanted to start a brand that had a positive impact and a purpose beyond profit"


Rishi Gupta, sptted a business opportunity on Instagram when he saw a design of portable phone charger made out of recycled plastic.

They take plastic from sites around Brighton reusign thinghs like parts of fridge, plastic bags and so on.

He contacted the designer and after getting a grant, tehy were able to make the product.

Rishi wanted to start an eco business after realising that many "green" products weren't actually enviormental at all. Another point is the fact that he's trying to reduce consumer's impact on enviorment and provide an eco friendly alternative



Kit and Matt Newell are two brothers who have 150 hives in the South Wales, which produce hney which is then fermented and turned into mead

Bees are necessary for the loca enviorment and in general for biodiversity, nature and sustainability due to the fact that the bees contribute by pollinating flowers and trees locally

Their business relies on the survival of these bees because without them they have no business at all

Laura and Rachel from Manchester, are two sisters aand co-founder of the sustainable women's clothing brand Careaux.

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world: in fact there is a huge consuption of water generating millions of tonnes of waste. Washing and drying clothes often consumes even more energy and water than the production phase.

So the aim of these two sisters is to create a more sustainable and inclusive fashion industry.

They created a dress with a series of zip which can transform it ina a top or even in a skirt in order to mix and match different styles and colour combinations.

They said: " No idea is too big. Everyone can make difference" and "We can all have a positive impact on people, planet and animals"