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Addiction The Feeling of Emptiness & Attempt to Solve the Problem -…
The Feeling of Emptiness
Attempt to Solve the Problem
Traumatised child
Feelings of shame
If I'm being hurt like this, then I'm a TERRIBLE person!
Sexual Abuse
Why didn't I fight back?
I'm a WEAK person!
Generated by Emotional Pain
Accrues from Neglect and Abuse
Childhood Trauma
Affects the Brain circuitry and leads to relief through Drugs or Compulsive behaviours
If my mother doesn't want me, then the world doesn't want me!
But if they don't want me, at least they are going to need me!
The more HURT they are, the more they need to ESCAPE!
Addiction is a way to solve the problem that has been caused by the tremendous emotional pain sustained at a certain point in life.
Useful Phrases:
It seems / feels / sounds like at some point you were deprived of the internal resources to deal with that pain and no matter what you try these days things only seem to perpetuate that pain!
What gave you so much emotional pain?
What are you still carrying inside that urges you to behave that way?
Physical Symptoms
Rapid weight gain or loss
Slow or staggering walk
Inability to sleep or awake at unusual times
Dilated or Constricted pupils
Cold, sweaty palms or shaking hands
12 steps Programmes
Soul searching
- involve oneself in therapy and be self-supporting
- to fully acknowledge the aforementioned and stand by them
- turn everything over to that higher power
- accepting character defects exactly as they are and becoming entirely willing to let them go and accept the assistance
- believe in a higher power
- asking the greater power to remove the obstacles
- admission to being powerless over addiction
- willingness to reflect and make amends
- to apologise and make amends with people whom they hurt
- continue efforts and reflective practices
Making contact
- further attempts to understand the plans of the greater power
- offer our enlightenment to all those who needed and lead a better life
The Sinclair Method
The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a treatment for alcohol addiction that uses a technique called pharmacological extinction—the use of an opiate blocker to turn habit-forming behaviors into habit-erasing behaviors. The effect returns a person's craving for alcohol to its pre-addiction state.
Δραστικές Ουσίες
Η δισουλφιράμη έχει έμμεση δράση στην αντιμετώπιση της εξάρτησης από το αλκοόλ.
Η ναλτρεξόνη (naltrexone) είναι ένας ειδικός ανταγωνιστής των οπιοειδών. Δρα ανταγωνιστικά καταλαμβάνοντας τους υποδοχείς οι οποίοι εντοπίζονται κυρίως στο κεντρικό και περιφερικό νευρικό σύστημα.
Η ναλμεφένη (nalmefene) είναι ένας ρυθμιστής του οπιοειδούς συστήματος με διακριτό προφίλ για τους υποδοχείς μ, δ, και κ. Η ναλμεφένη ενδείκνυται για τη μείωση της κατανάλωσης οινοπνεύματος σε ενήλικες ασθενείς με εξάρτηση από το οινόπνευμα, χωρίς σωματικά συμπτώματα στέρησης και οι οποίοι δεν απαιτούν άμεση αποτοξίνωση.
Brain Biology
Incentive / Motivation chemical - whenever we feel excited motivated, curious about sth
Facilitate and Establish love and attachment as opioids resemble pleasure and relief
What happened to these people that need these chemicals from the outside?
What happened to the brain that led to craving for these substances?
Integrated Relational Model of Substance Abuse
Solution-focused therapy
Βραχύχρονη Θεραπεία Εστιασμένης Λύσης
Exception building is a key concept and technique in the solution-focused therapy model. Therapists are directed to work with the client to find the exceptions to the problem, focusing on the times when the problem is not occurring. These exceptions are used to encourage the client to do more of what works rather than solve what is wrong (O’Hanlon & Weiner-Davis, 2003;Shafer & Jordan, 2014). The therapist’s job in solution-focused therapy is to help the client better understand and utilize their strengths. The therapist does not impose their Ideas and values or ideals onto the client and does not take the position of expert, which is reserved for the client..
Change Plan
Activation steps
Implementation of plan
Client's commitment
Person-centred therapy
Relational depth & Therapeutic Alliance
Motivational Interviewing
ΚΙνητοποιητική Συνέντευξη
Motivational interviewing is an approach that emphasizes collaboration with clients and stresses empathy as the central relationship building component rather than confronting the client’s resistance to change. Motivational interviewing is designed to evoke motivation and autonomy in clients by meeting them where they are in the change process and then developing discrepancy between the current state and the desired state.(CSAT, 1999b; W. R. Miller & Rollnick, 2013; W. R. Miller et al., 1999)
Open-ended questions
Ask exception questions and having them describe life as if a miracle occurred focuses the client on solutions rather than on the problems.
Therapist must also be attuned to the client’s language, listening for and reinforcing language that argues for change while ignoring language that sustains the problem.
Desire to change
Ability to change
Reasons to change
Need to change
Actualising Tendency vs Self-actualising tendency
Actualising Tendency sustains and preserves life therefore it craves for attachment in order for the defenceless individual to survive.
Self-actualising tendency seeks authenticity but at the same time craves for positive regard.
When these two tendencies collide, incongruence ensues.
What is Trauma?
Trauma is what happens inside you:
Get disconnected from emotions and body
Difficulty being in the present moment
Develop negative view of the world and self
Defensive view over people
If one rewires their attitude towards trauma then they will be able to Recover - to find themselves