TV ad: Boy is out with his mates at a bar. Few drinks in he receives a text from his girlfriend at 11pm asking him if he is having a fun time. The boy replies "yes im hsving such a fuuuunnnnn tome" the girl replies " hahah your so gone. good to hear, text me when your ready to go home". CUT TO BLACK its is now 12am. The boy sends a photo of him and the boys captioning "Wat ar eyou doin at th moment, Sam jusr threw up inthe bayhrom, it was relly funy". cut away to girl in bed sleeping with her phone in her hand whilst midway through a movie, her phone dings "hahaha tats so funny, hopfully he doesn't get kiked our again". CUT TO BLACK 3am, the boy calls, the girlfriend and she picks up the phone half asleep. The boy slurs his words "Hey I'm ready now, can we take Frank home too" the girl mumbles "yes, see you soon, love you" boy replies "love you too". CUT TO BLACK the girl is driving to the pub she yawns and rubs her eyes turns on the ac to get her back awake, she is in her pajamas. She is so tired she drives past the pub, he is outside and yells at her car "Heyy" as he waves and laughs. Her car keeps rolling through pass the red lights. CUT TO BLACK crash noise. people screaming.