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New Technologies Applied to Education - Coggle Diagram
New Technologies Applied to
The media as a support for new technologies applied to
Conceptualization of teaching aids.
The teaching aids have for many years served as a support to increase the
effectiveness of the teacher's work, without actually substituting the educational and human function of the
The teaching-learning processes as communication processes.
They favor two-way communication
that exists between the protagonists can be established in a more affective way.
Role played by the teacher and the student in a traditional model of
teaching and in an alternative model.
During learning, the teacher must present the contents and school tasks in a way that effectively promotes the understanding, retention and transformation of knowledge.
When changing the learning model, it is necessary to logically change the role of the student, that is,
that is, their contribution to the task of learning.
The media and the curriculum; conceptions of the media.
To date, the European Union has not planned a common curricular policy for
incorporation of the media into school systems.
Media classification. Audiovisual media: advantages and limitations.
The various studies of educational psychology have shown the advantages that
presents the use of audiovisual media in the teaching-learning process.
New technologies society and school
Information Technology (ICTs) is understood to be a diffuse concept used to designate what is related to or to computing connected to the Internet and, especially, the social aspect of these.
Today's society, the information and knowledge society.
The new information and communication technologies designate both a set of technological innovations but also the tools that allow a radical redefinition of the functioning of society.
Sociocultural effects of technologies.
We distinguish two highly articulated dimensions regarding the use and application of new technologies in Peruvian education, the first refers to our aspirations as a nation and the educational policies of the State, and the second, on a more concrete level, to the pedagogical operation of these new means.
The digital divides
The Digital Divide is an expression that refers to the socioeconomic difference between those communities that have Internet and those that do not.
Challenges for education in the information society.
The new Information and Communication technologies are those computational and computer tools that process, store, synthesize, retrieve and present information represented in the most varied way.
The teacher of the future and New Technologies.
New educational technologies require the use of new didactic resources, tools, supports and computer channels (currently in force through PCs and networks) for the development of new skills.
Iconic Literacy: Picture Reading.
Iconic literacy concept.
In the same way that reading a text does not only mean knowing the letters and the words that are formed with them, but it also means knowing how to interpret meanings, discover metaphor analogies.
The significance of iconic literacy in contemporary culture.
Literacy is the learning of the alphabet understood in a signic and symbolic sense, but not only of traditional alphabets, but of any more or less abstract system of signs and symbols.
Motives for iconic literacy.
Visual literacy must be a cross-cutting theme in the Curriculum, operationalized in applicable strategies in any subject.
Image definition: Manual image and technical image.
Many authors have defined what they consider an iconic image, emphasizing one or another of its aspects, but all agree that it is a representation, which can be material or digital, of a reality captured on a surface.
Image reading methods: Still image and moving image.
For a long time it was only possible for a minority to own an image, be able to see it and eventually allow others to copy it.
Image functions in the sign.
The society of communication and modern technologies is revolutionizing the image to unsuspected limits, transforming the forms of interaction between men, which makes it necessary that we also advance in their study and understanding so that they do not exceed us.
The still image: from the overhead projector to the power-point
The still image and use of teaching.
The images are motivating, sensitize and stimulate the interest of students towards a certain topic.
Advantages and disadvantages of using the overhead projector in the classroom.
The devices with which the sound media are managed are cheap, manageable and easy to use.
The overhead projector: technical operation.
The overhead projector or overhead projector is a relatively cheap or very easy-to-use device that appeared in the 1940s.
Techniques for the elaboration of transparencies by manual and mechanical procedures.
Transparencies are graphics, photographs and diagrams printed or photocopied on a
transparent acetate sheets, usually in DINA4 size but also in continuous roll format.
Principles of transparency design. How do you make and how do you use a transparency.
Los documentos, fotografías, dibujos y textos en general impresos sobre un papel (periódicos,
revistas, libros, postales…) también pueden proyectarse directamente sobre una pantalla
mediante el opascopio o proyector de cuerpos opacos.
The mass media and the school (press, radio,
comic and television).
Television, child and youth development
Children's television and the media directed at children are subjects of continuous concern for the
Public opinion and debates within the community have been one of the main catalysts for reforms in these areas.
Keys to educate with this medium
Television can be used as a mass communication medium from which a significant influence is exerted on the audience or as an educational medium.
The comic, language and content. The comic at school.
The comic is a story in sequential images linked or anchored by a text (in the form of dialogues, onomatopoeia, comments, noises, ...).
Description of a radio station. The radio, the radio language, the script
and scheduling.
In its beginnings, radio was an experiment to establish long-distance communication. Over time it has evolved with the collaboration of scientists, artists, journalists from different areas of knowledge.
The press, the press on the Internet.
The written and audiovisual press is in our society the most important means of socializing children and young people.
The press, youth and children's magazines.
Education is continuous improvement and there is nothing without communication, both concepts can be the school of tomorrow.
The newspaper as a teaching resource.
The newspaper in attention to diversity that it presents draws attention as an educational experience.
Video games, classification.
Due to the increasing sophistication and cheapening of mobile technologies and applications, including mobile games, the adaptation of the latter as a learning tool is increasingly viable.
Analysis of video games, video games in teaching.
The new generations are incorporated into the world of technologies through the use of video games.
Internet. Collaborative tools.
The Internet offers very interesting possibilities for distance training.
The moving image: the video. Introduction.
Video is possibly one of the audiovisual media that has been most strongly introduced in recent years.
Informatics and education: technological foundations and didactic.
Informational media.
Traditional teaching and the use of computer science in school should not be at odds; rather, they must be complementary.
Hardware. Central processing unit. Peripherals. System of
Hardware or physical support is called the set of material elements that make up
a computer.
Software. Conceptualization of informatics in education
All intangible components of a computer are called software, programmatic, software or software.
Computer applications in teaching.
The history of the development of mankind is closely linked to technological scientific advances.
The email
E-mail is fast in the communication that is established between students and teachers at the time of solving problems between them.