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Colonies are typically founded and colonized by people from the country of origin, however, there may also be immigrants from other countries
A colony is a region of land that is under the political control of another country.
The American Revolution began in 1775 and ended in 1783. It was the war in which the 13 American colonies of Great Britain won their independence. The colonies became the United States.
Before 1760 the colonies enjoyed a lot of freedom. Britain was a long way from the colonies and they had their leaders to lead them. Also, since Britain was often at war, it didn't always pay much attention to the colonies.
In 1760, the British government sought to control the colonies more. One of the main reasons for this change was the French-Indian War because Britain, having defeated France in 1763, had remained very weakened economically.
So he decided that the colonies had to pay taxes to the motherland
Nel 1765 gli inglesi approvarono una legge chiamata Stamp Act.
all printed material in the colonies had to be produced on stamped paper produced in London, with a stamp.
I coloni protestarono contro la tassa perché dovevano pagare ma non avevano rappresentanti in parlamento
the British government ended the tax in 1766 due to protests
In 1767, the Townshend Acts taxed tea, paint, paper and glass that entered colonial ports
to prevent riots, the British government sent soldiers to Boston, Massachusetts. In 1770 British soldiers shot at the crowd: This event became known as the Boston Massacre.
In 1773 Britain passed a law that allowed a British company to sell tea at a lower price than colonial traders. so the settlers threw their cargo of tea into the water in Boston Harbor: This event became known as the Boston Tea Party.
The British government then passed laws that were even stricter.
In 1774, representatives from each colony met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The meeting was called the Continental Congress.
Settlers demanded to eliminate taxes but Britain sent even more soldiers
By this time many colonists prepared to fight: They formed groups of soldiers called minutemen
The battles of Lexington and Concord began in April 1775
During the first battle, on April 19, a group of minutemen met the British in Lexington. Soon the British moved to Concord.
The Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in 1775
Riunì le forze militari delle colonie per formare l'Esercito Continentale guidato da George Washington.
Battle of Bunker Hill
Meanwhile an important battle was taking place at Bunker Hill, near Boston. The British conquered Bunker Hill but lost so many soldiers that the settlers claimed victory.
Fighting for Independence
The colonists were convinced they had to separate from Great Britain.
On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.
so the 13 colonies became the United States of America.
very important was the battle of Saratoga, in New York: in 1777, General Gates led the American army to victory
it helped bring France, Spain and the Dutch Republic to war on the side of the new United States
the Final Battle in Yorktown
The last major battle of the American Revolutionary War was at Yorktown (in 1781), the British surrendered
However, the fighting continued for another two years
The Treaty of Paris
to end the war, the treaty was signed by the British and the Americans in 1782.
The Treaty of Paris (Treaty of Versailles, 1783) was signed on September 3, 1783.
By signing the treaty, Britain accepted that the United States was an independent country.
Benjamin Franklin and John Adams led the Americans in the negotiations
the Constitution of the USA
The end of the war did not unite all 13 states under one government.
It took several years before a Constitution was drafted. it was written in 1787 and went into effect on March 4, 1789.
The Battle of Saratoga