Poem "London"

"the mind-forged manacles I hear"


"black'ning church"

all kinds of people are affected.

men, infants, chimney sweepers, soldiers and harlots

"I hear" narrator hears the binding creating a vivid image of how trapped the people are.

the people aretrapped in every way even mentally sending impressions that they have no voice.

"mind-forged" sends impression that they are bound to a single mentality limiting what they can think and how.

gives the impression that the people are living in fear.

"mind-forged manacles" the people know they are oppressed and see themselves in chains.



emphasises bleakness

despair affected everyone, there is no relief from it.

"black'ning" connotations to evil, corruption, impurity.
implicates that not even the "house of the all powerful" is safe or kind.

"church" house of religion (Christianity)

creates grim visual image of industrial revolution

failed to look after its own people.

"Runs in blood down palace walls"

may refer to French revolution (1789-99)

Owens thinks the people of London are suffering while the palace is protected by walls.