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Electricity :electric_plug: :zap: :bulb:, Electrical Energy, image, image…
Electricity :electric_plug: :zap: :bulb:
Types of circuits
Series circuits
All the components are connected one after other
If one load stops working, no one of them works because the circuit is open
The lamp will not be very bright, because the energy suplied by the cell is shared among all the lamps
the same current flows through all the devices
Series-Parallel combination circuits
Contain devices connected in series and parallel cicuits
This circuits have properties of series circuits and parallel circuts
Parallel circuits
he load devices on dfferent branches of the wire
More electric current flows in the branch that offers the least resistance
If oneload stop working, the rest continue working
The current doesn´t flow qualy through all the devices
The lamps will shine very brightly
Electrical energy. Components
elecrical circuit
is a series of interconnected components that an electric current flows through to produce an effect
There are four main components in an electric circuit:
Power sources, conductors, load devices and control devices
Components that transport the electrical energy from the power sources to the load devices. The conductive components of a circuit are the
Load devices
Components that receive the electrical energy from the power sources and convert it to other types of useful energy:
motors, lamps, buzzers
Power sources
Components that suply the necessary electrical energy to the rest of the circuit in order to move electrons. the generators of direct current in a circuit are
cells and batteries
Control devices
Devices that regulate the circuit. The main types of control devices are
one-way switches, push switches and two- way switches
Conductors and insulators
Those materials can let or not electricity through them
Conductors: Materials wich let electricity flow through them
Insulators: Materials wich doesn´t let electricity flow throug them
Converting electrical energy
Can be converted in other types of energy
Using a motor
Through microphones we can produce sound effects through sirens, buzzers and bells.
The sound comes out by a loudspeaker produces by vibrations
When electrons move trough a conductor or load device, create friction, which produces heat. This known as Joule effect
Through load devices
Open circuits and closed circuits
A circuit is open when the energy of the power source cannot reach the load devices, so the electric current cannot flow.
If there´s a switch, it must be open
If there´s not a switch, all the components must be conected by a wire
A circuit is closed when the energy of the power source reaches the load devices, so the elecric current lows
If there´s a switch, it must be closed
If there´s not a switch, the wire that conects the components must be separated
Circuits are controlled by switches that open and close the circuit when they are pressed
Energy and the environment
Environmental impact of energy production and transmission
Electrical energy is generated industrially in power stations, whch converts aform of energy to electrical energy
Many power stations have an impact in or environment, pollute the atmosphere, pollute the water, etc.
Power lines also have an environmental impact. The use of renewable energies are a good alternative to conventional power stations
Responsible use of electrical energy
When we save energy, we save money, natural resources and help to protect the environment.
Tis is why we need to consume responsibly and only use the energy we need and always in moderation
Tips on responsible energy use:
Replace old electrical appliances wth more effecient ones
Use certain domestic appliances only when they are full
Replace incandescent bulbs with low energy bulbs
Always switch off electronic equipment
Components of a circuit
Converts electrical energy to kinetic energy
Converts electrical energy to sound energy
Converts electrical energy to light energy
A load device that opposes the flow of the electric current
The component that the electrical current folws through
Supplies electrical energy to the rest of the circuit
Cells have negative and positive terminals
A grouped set of cells
Push switch
Push switches open and close the circuit but only while the button is pushed.
Two-way switch
Have two positions. When we press them, they change from one position to other
One-way switch
One way switches open or close the circuit when they are pressed. One position opens the circuit and stops the electrical current from flowing through it.
Electrical Energy
All materials are made up of atoms.
This atoms have:
Positive charge
Negative charge
Electricity is formed thanks to this
The Electricity its a form of energy that lets negatively charged particles (electrons) move from one atom to another
The electric current is the flow of electrons form one atom to another inside a coductive material
Neutral charge