(Prepared by: Adibah Hanis Azmin)



is the use of technology resources such as computers, mobile devices, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. These are used in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school.


  1. Shift Apprehension
  1. Lack of Devices and Instruction on How to Use It
  1. Inadequate Training
  1. Support Constraint

Schools and districts will continue to blame a shortage of funding for ongoing technical training as a significant roadblock to technology adoption.

Teachers would not be able to integrate the use of technology to their full extent unless they obtain successful professional development on them

  1. Insufficient Equipment or Connectivity

Teachers would not be able to integrate teaching and learning through technology

The most fundamental step toward successful technology integration is to ensure that all students have access to the equipment they need to operate educational computer programs

Technology is constantly changing, it is more
important than ever that teachers stay up-to-date with their technological expertise.

Consistent use of educational technology won’t be feasible if computer lab time is restricted to only one hour a week or restricted access to internet

Even if ministry employed only teachers who were acquainted with current classroom technology, countless new innovations would be introduced during their careers as teachers, and they would need additional training to keep their skills up to date

Without the support needed to provide ongoing technical training, schools will continue to face a lack of professional development as a significant barrier to technology integration

This will almost certainly necessitate increased funding for schools, but educational technology developers should also put a greater focus on consumer support.

Teachers would have access to the services they deserve with high-quality funding from both instructional technology developers and school employees.

The awareness that assistance is available could contribute to a greater acceptance of classroom technology.


Educators are accustomed to and familiar with the conventional form of training, and therefore resist change and stepping outside of their comfort zones.

Technical experimentation is also seen as beyond the reach of teachers' and school leaders' job descriptions.

  1. Fear of Technology

The availability of gadgets is crucial for effective and trouble-free activity.

Schools and teachers must brace themselves to have students work collaboratively on a single device as well as independently on a single device.

There is a need for teachers to obtain proper and timely instruction on how to use technology effectively.

Teachers are hesitant to try out emerging technology. Often, the thought of having to learn all at once deters them from adopting technology.

Another reason they avoid the idea is that they believe a technology coach would have all the answers.

  1. Lack of Training Opportunities
    and Rigid Teaching Models

Educators aren't given adequate instruction or encouragement in terms of technology.

There isn't enough time to practice for modern and ever-changing technology because there are too many positions to fill.

The latest teaching styles are too static to be modified.

Educators have this Fear of the unknowns with new technologies.

Basic literacy in subject areas will be expected of students and educators in the twenty-first century, but students will also need basic science, economic, and digital literacy.

Amy M. Johnson, M. E. (2016). Challenges and solutions when using technologies in the classroom. Adaptive educational, 13-29.

L.Dawes. (2001). What stops teachers using new technology? Issues in Teaching using, 61‐79.

Teaching and Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers’ Perceptions. (2016). Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology Volume 4, Issue 2, 38-57.

Teemu Valtonen, Kati Mäkitalo‐Siegl, Sini Kontkanen, Susanna Pöntinen, & Henriikka Vartiainen (2012).Facing Challenges with New Teachers' Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from