Turkish National Educational System
General and specific goals
Main principles
Raising individuals who know his/her responsibility to the Republic of Turkey
Raising individuals who are respectful to people’ rights, and have well-grown characters and power and will of freely and scientifically thinking
Raising individuals who love his/her family, country, and people
Raising individuals who make themselves happy and contribute to community’s happiness
Raising individuals who adopt Turkish community’s moral, cultural and national values
Raising individuals who are bound to Atatürk’s revolution and principles
The right of education
Equality of opportunity and facility
Individual and community needs
Atatürk’s revolution and principles and nationalism
Generality and equality
There should not be exclusion of people regarding their languages, races, genders or religions, and privilege to a group of people in educational institutions.
Educational services are arranged with regard of Turkish community.
Individuals are given orientation through abilities and demands and assigned to diverse programs and schools.
Primary education is everyone’s right and other levels of education can be utilized by Turkish citizens demands.
Equality between man and woman is ensured, and for successful and needy students, free accommodation, scholarship and other types of aids are given.
Education is lifelong in essence.
Each part of educational system is on the basis of Atatürk’s principles and nationalism.
Democracy education
The conscious of democracy among Turkish citizens is ensured for strong, constant, free and democratic community through education.
Secularism is essence in Turkish educational system.
All teaching programs and materials are created by being scientific.
Improvements of national education is planned in accordance with economic, social and cultural aims and technological developments.
Mixed education
Mixed education with male and female students is essence with excepts of some type of schools.
Educational campuses and school-family relations
If there is more than one educational institution in the same area, educational campuses may be found with educational campus management to fulfill common needs.
Education everywhere
National education aims education everywhere not only in schools with formal education.
Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu, Avalaible at,