Excessive Military Spending
Feeling Safe
Show the strength of the country
Ensuring the people lives are secure
What if Qatar did not spend money on the military?
The country will be attacked
He stole the country's revolution
Feeling insecure
It needs a strong military for its small size compared to other countries
America is the largest example in the exchange of money to the military
To maintain safety
Because of its large area, it may need more military forces
Need of money
The military needs human resources, so it may be useless to spend money on more equipment that needed
Spending money for the military may be causes of poverty in some of parts of the country in items of their needs
The effect of spending money
It may lead to competition between countries
Excessive spending on the military affects other aspects, for example it may encourage violence
Other sectors need money
The education sector needs money to advance academic skills development
The health sector needs money to develop medical equipment and bring in medicine
Many sectors in the country need money