Identifying and helping struggling students by Meredith Trevino

Parent/school/teacher/student collaboration

Initial observations/data collection

Tracking progress

Differentiation Supports

Informal observations of students during class including 1. group work 2. partner work 3. independent work and more

Reach out to other teachers, specialists and parents to understand more about the students

Gather baseline data for all students in order to help you identify struggling students

Signs of struggling students

Disengagement in class

Acting out or negative behaviors

Poor attendance

Not completing work/participating

Escape behaviors- leaving room for nurse, bathroom, etc.

Modification of assignments:

  1. shorter assignments
  2. Presenting a verbal presentation instead of an essay
  3. Providing alternative topics for essays and more!
  4. Sentence stems and other language supports
  5. graphic organizers

Classroom supports:

  1. technology assistance (ipad, text to speech, etc)
  2. pair/group work
  3. Passes needed for cool down/break time for those with emotional and other disabilities

Create communication routine with parents/home

Create grade/skill tracking system with student involvement (self reflection/awarding points, checking in, etc)

Frequent communication with other teachers and admin on students' progress

Create realistic goals to work for with help of parent, teacher, student and admin

Communication and progress update system needs to be in place

Frequent meetings with team members about students' successes, challenges and progress

Hold meetings with all stake holders involved, including student to provide an open and collaborative plan for student

In order to refer a student to special education services, you'll need to gather data and have observations of the student documented

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