Name:Issabelle Subang Bruce


Name :Jacky then

Name: Mohammad Harith Bin Ismail Salimi

protocol interaction


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application protocol that controls how web server and web client interact

management dialog transfer protocol

encapsulate the TCP segment into data packet ,assign an address ,and then pass it to the host

allows communication through data links and data transmission on network media

Topic 1.3.1:Types of rules that are necessary to successfully communicate

Computer communication

Transmission medium




Message Destination(Message)

Small Home Network

Message source(message)

Small Office / Home Office Networks

Medium To Large Networks

5 components and their relationship:

World Wide Networks

Topic 1.3.2 Why protocols are necessary in network communication


Common Types

Other Types

2.Receiver(Set of rule)

3.Medium(It were use between Transmitter and receiver)

1.Transmitter(Set of rule)

Local Area Network(LAN


5.Protocol(Agreement between the communicating devices

Wide Area Network(WAN)

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Wirelesss LAN (WLAN)

Storage Area Network (SAN)

Personel Area Network (PAN)

Main element of data communication system

Sender:Devices that use to sends the data message.For example:Computer,PC,Workstation,Telephone and etc

Receiver:Devices that receives the data messages.For example:computer,workstation,telephone handset and etc.

Message:Infomation to be communicated with each other.Infomation include in message such as text,pictures,audio,video and etc

Transmission Medium:Physical path by which a message travels from the sender to receiver .For example:Twisted pair wire,coaxial cable,radio waves and etc.

Protocol:Set of rules that governs the data messages.It represents an agreement between the communicating devices.Eithout the protocol,two devices may be connected but not communicating.

Protocol suites and industry standards

1.3.3 how the TCP/IP mode and the OSI model are used to facilitate standardization in the communication process


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The Internet

Rule Establishment

The Internet is connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers.

TCP/IP Communication Process

TCP/IP Communication Process (Cont.)

TCP/IP Protocol Suite

When two computer are connected over the internet, they can send and receive all kind of information such as text, graphics, voice, video, and computer programs

When sending data from the network Server to client encapsulation program


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Protocols are necessary for effective communication included:An identified sender and receiver,common language,speed and timing delivery,confirmation or acknowledgment requirements.

An intranet is a computer network for sharing information, collaboration tools, operating systems, and other computing services within and organization, usually to the exclusion of access by outsiders

Development of TCP/IP


An Extranet is a controlled private network that allows access to partners, vendors and suppliers or an authorized set of customers Normally to a subset of the information accessible from an organization's intrane


Message Size

Message Encoding:

Message formatting and encapsulation

Message timing

Sared content accessed by groups through cross-enterprice boundaries

The web server prepares the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page. The HTTP application layer protocol sends the data to the transport layer.

The transport layer breaks the data into segments and identifies each.

Next the IP source and destination addresses are added, creating an IP Packet.

The Ethernet information is then added creating the Ethernet Frame, or data link frame.

Shared content accessed by member within a single organization






A fault-tolerant network is one that limits the effect of a failure, so that the fewest number of devices affected by it

Then the IP header

Then the Transport layer header

First the Ethernet header is removed

Finally the HTTP information is processed and sent to the client’s web browser

It is also build in a way that enables quick recovery when such failure occurs.

Fault-tolerant network depend on multiple path between the source and destination of a message. If one path fails, the messages can be instantly sent over a different link

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was the predecessor to today’s Internet.

Having multiple path to a destination is know as redundancy.

A scalable network can expand quickly to support new users and applications without affecting the performance of the service being delivered to existing users

Quality of service is also an ever-increasing requirement of networks today.

New applications available to users over internetwork, such as voice and live video transmission.

securing a network infrastructure includes physically securing devices that provide network connectivity, and preventing unauthorized access to the management software that resides on those devices

The 7 layers of OSI

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Message Delivery Option

Communication methods:

2.Destination(Receiver):The destination receives the message and interprets it.

3.Channel(Media)::Provides the pathway over which the message can travel from source to destination.

1.Source(Sender):Message sources are people or electronic devices that need to communicate a message to other individuals or devices.

Protocols for successful human communication are:

Network Protocols

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Content layer

Phycisal layer

Rules layer

2.Agreed-upon medium or channel(face to face,telephone,letter,photographer)

3.Appropriate communication mode(spoken,written,ilustrated,interactive or one way.

1.Identification of sender and receiver

4.Common language

5.Grammar and sentence structure

6.Speed and timing of delivery

Define a common format and set of rules for exchanging messages between devices.

Common networking protocols are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and Internet Protocol(IP)

2.Multicast Message(One to many delivery)

3.Broadcast Message(One to all delivery)

1.Unicast Message(One to one delivery)

1.Access Method

2.Flow Control

3.Respond Timeout

Human break long messages into smaller parts or sentences.

Format for letters and addressing letters were required for proper delivery.

Encoding between hosts must be in appropriate format for the medium

Computer Network Definitions
Dexter Skudd AK John Rizal

  • “Chain of interconnected computers”

    Oxford Dictionary

  • “A number of computers connected together for the purposes of communication of processing”

    Knott, Waites and Callaghan, Comp. Studies

  • “A network is a set of devices (nodes) connected by media links”

    Forouzan , Data Communications and Networking

Simple Explainations

  • A network is a group of computers and other devices (such as printers) t hat are connected by some type of transmission media.


  • A network can be as small as two computers connected by a cable in a home office or as large as several thousand computers connected across the world via a combination of cable , phone lines, and cellular links.

Example of actions that can be done using a Network





  • They might communicate through copper wires, fiber optic cable, or radio waves as transmission media.

Advantages of Computer Network

• Networks enable multiple users to share resources (devices and


• Saves money.

• Saves time.

• Network allow you to manage, or administer, resources on

multiple computers from a central location.

Disadvantage of Computer Network

  1. Network Hardware, Software and Setup Costs

2 . Hardware and Software Management and Administration Costs

  1. Undesirable Sharing

4 . Illegal or Undesirable Behaviour

5 . Data Security Concerns

Client/Server Network Elements

. 1. Client

• A computer on the network that requests resources or services from another computer on a network.
• In some cases, a client could also act as a server. The term client may also refer to the human user of a client workstation or to client software installed on the workstation.

2 . Server

3 . Workstation

4 . Network Interface Card (NIC)

5 . Network Operating System (NOS )

6 . Host

  1. Node
  1. Connectivity Device
  1. Backbone
  1. Segment
  1. Topology
  1. Protocol
  1. Transmission Media

• A computer on the network that manages shared resources.
• Servers usually have more processing power, memory, and hard disk space than clients. Server run network operating software that can manage not only data, but also users, groups, security, and applications on the network.

• A personal computer (such as a desktop or laptop), which may or may not be connected to a network; most clients are workstation computers.

• The device inside a computer that connects a computer to the network media
• Thus allowing it to communicate with other computers

• A computer that enables resource sharing by other computers
on the same network.

• A client, server, or other device that can communicate over a network and that is identified by a unique number, known as its network address.

• A specialized device that allows multiple networks or multiple parts of one network to connect and exchange data

• The part of a network to which segments and significant shared devices (such as routers, switches, and servers) connect.
• A backbone is sometimes referred to as “a network of networks” because of its role in interconnecting smaller parts of a LAN or WAN.

• A part of a network. Usually, a segment is composed of a group of nodes that use the same communications channel for all their traffic.

• The physical layout of a computer network . Topologies vary according to the needs of the organization and available hardware and expertise.
• Networks can be arranged in a ring, bus , or star formation, and the star formation is the most common.
• Hybrid combinations of these patterns are also possible

• A format for communication between networked devices.
• For example, some protocols ensure that data are transferred in sequence and without error from one node on the network to another.

The benefits of using a layered model include:

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◦ Assisting in protocol design since protocols at each layer have defined functions.

◦ Fostering competition because products from different vendors can work together.

◦ Preventing technology changes in one layer from affecting other layers.

◦ Providing a common language to describe networking functions and capabilities.

• The means through which data are transmitted and received • Transmission media may be physical, such as wire or cable, or atmospheric (wireless), such as radio waves.

The OSI Reference Model

Application - contains protocols used for process-toprocess communications.

Presentation - provides for common representation of the data.

Session - provides services to the presentation layer to organize its dialogue and to manage data exchange.

Transport - defines services to segment, transfer, and reassemble the data.

Network - provides services to exchange the individual pieces of data over the network between identified end devices.

Data Link - provides methods for exchanging data frames between devices over a common media.

Physical - describes the mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural means to transmit bits across physical connections.Reference

The TCP/IP Protocol Model

OSI Model and TCP/IP Model Comparison



OSI Model and TCP/IP Model Comparison


OSI Model and TCP/IP Model Comparison



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share similar architecture.

share a common application layer

Both models have comparable transport and network layers.

Knowledge of both models is required by networking professionals.

Protocol standard

combines the presentation and session layer issues into its application layer

combines the OSI data link and physical layers into the network access layer

a simpler model

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Application -

Presentation -

Session -

Transport -

Network -

Data Link -

Physical -

PURPOSE- data traslation & prep for network

PURPOSE- estab.&maintian comm link

PURPOSE- breaks down mssg to send

PURPOSE- adds logical address info

PURPOSE- adds physcal addressing

PURPOSE- converts to signal and sends

PURPOSE- interfaces with applications



network access

represents data to the user ,plus encoding and dialog control

supports communication between diverse devices across diverse networks

determines the best path through the network

controls the hardware devices and media that up the network

Fundamentals of Network Models

  1. Peer to Peer Networks (P2P)
  1. Client/Server Networks


P2P 2


• Another way of designing a network is to use a central computer, known as a server; to facilitate communication and resource sharing between other computers on the network, which are known as clients.
• A network that uses a server to enable clients to share data, data storage space, and devices is known as a client/server network.
• A client/server architecture is sometimes used to refer to the design of a network in which clients rely on servers for resource sharing and processing

Client 2

• The device inside a computer that connects a computer to the network media
• Thus allowing it to communicate with other computers