Population and Culture of The World


In the world there are diverse people

Environmental influence

Need and importance of dialogue

Ethnic diversity in the world

Cultures of the world

Great cultural areas in the world

Percentages of ethnic tolerance

A greater number of
people can know that human diversity on the planet.

Today there are more people on Earth than ever before in its history. On all continents very diverse groups of people live with different customs, languages, religions and physical appearance.

It is said that communications have now returned to the smallest Earth.

Among the first are the so-called "blacks" or Afro (named for their origin in Africa).
Those of fair complexion are commonly called "whites."

The natives of America have skin called "copper", because it resembles the color of copper.

The color of the skin is also very diverse.
A good part of the population has a very dark complexion, another sector has it very clear.

The inhabitants of North Africa, called “Maghreb”, have a colored complexion and very often what is called “dark circles”.

When observing the differences between humans it is not possible to be spoken of as "races", as it is the case of the animals.

People cannot be racially cataloged. They are grouped and organized in cultures. Studying them is a way of knowing them better

The physical characteristics of human groups developed to adapt to the environment in which they live.

The main factors (language and religion) that shape world cultures.

Not all have the same expansion

The cultural diversity of the world is very complex and difficult to establish geographically.

The oldest cultures in the world were hunters and gatherers.

They traveled the territories in large groups behind the animals that hunted and collected the fruits of nature.

A culture can be described as a human group that has its own historically assimilated ways of life, that is, customs, language, religion.

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There are still some of these cultures in the world, but the vast majority has been integrated within modern culture.

Attitudes are called discrimination and racism.

That is why it is said that countries are multicultural, that is, with various cultures.

All have great human wealth to contribute, including those in which a good part of its members cannot read and write, but they know the environment in which they live.

That is why it is said that countries are multicultural, that is, with various cultures.

In 2016, the Washington Post published the results of a worldwide survey on ethnic diversity (greater and lesser ethnic diversity) and about the percentages of ethnic tolerance of people worldwide.

Having examined the comparative data, it was evidenced that people belonging to spaces Ethnically less diverse geographical areas show low tolerance rates (with exceptions, they are more racist).

On the map, the color blue indicates the percentages of the most tolerant human groups and the warm colors (violet, pink and red) are the least tolerant people.



