after ww1 german democratic state Weimar
Republic established, 1925 Paul von Hindenburg, elected as president, hitler autobiography in prison Mein Kampf, stuck to antisemitism + propaganda and terror + need for struggle, joined German Workers’ Party (right-wing extreme nationalist parties in Munich) then took control and named it National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI), had own police force/militia called SA the Sturmabteilung, when Weimar Republic was on the verge of collapse in 1923 marched to Berlin to overthrow the Weimar government but hitler was arrested, Mein Kampf is elaboration of ideas that directed Hitler’s actions, after being released from prison hitler made Nazi Party follow Fuhrerprinzip (single-leader party w 1 leader), 1920s Nazi Party on regional basis and expanded to all parts of Germany, 1929 Nazis had a national party organization, 1930 Chancellor Heinrich Bruning said impossible to make working parliamentary majority in the Reichstag, during elections in 1930 through 1932 Nazis pitched their themes to the needs and
fears of different social groups and stated that they stood above classes and parties, hitlers national pride, national honor, and traditional militarism moved germans, July 1932, the Nazis won 230 seats (most) but lost some in 4 months, realized Reichstag didn't matter, January 30, 1933 President Hindenburg let hitler become chancellor, Hermann Goring (hitlers cohort) purge the police of non-Nazis and to establish a police force composed of SA members, February 27 Reichstag building burnt down by communists, hitler convinced President Hindenburg to make decree w gov emergency powers (suspended rights of citizens), March 23 Enabling Act overpowered gov and constitutional forms w new laws for countries power --> helped hitler become dictator appointed by parliamentary body, nazis enforced Gleichschaltung (all institutions under Nazi control), summer 1933 hitlers nazi totalitarian state, June 30, 1934 Ernst Rohm and other SA leaders killed bc they criticized hitler, nazi Germany had constant personal and
institutional conflict --> administrative chaos, SS aka Schutzstaffeln (protective squads) scary bodyguards for hitler that believed in terror and ideology, Catholic and Protestant churches had youth programs called Hitler Jugend and Bund Deutscher Madel (girls), anti-Semitic ideas into anti-Semitic policies, April 1, 1933 nazi gov made 2-day boycott of Jewish businesses, September 1935 new racial laws called Nuremberg laws separated Jews from the Germans politically, socially, and legally, November 9–10 1938 Kristallnacht (shattered glass) businesses and synagogues destroyed + jews killed + concentration camps,