Lymph Immune System Lacey Roman P.5
Major functions of Lymph and immune system
The body is against Pathogens
If pathogens enters the body it will attack the pathogens that enter
Lymph returns clean fluids and protein goes back to the blood
the extra fluid from the tissue is drain
lymphatic system
Organs, cells, and biochemicals helps defends against diseases
Lymphatic vessels collect and carry away excess fluid
Innate immune defenses and Adaptive immune defenses
Body's 3rd line of defense
The two defenses are Humoral immunity and cell- Mediated immunity
Antigens anything can cause immune system
Cytokines and chemokines can be release infected cells to start an immune system
lymphocytes red bone marrow releases lymphocytes into circulation
Humoral response and Cellular response
The Humoral response involve B cells
Cellular response changes behavior
Antigens and antibodies
Antigen can cause immune system
antibody is protein
cells involved in the immune system
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