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media - Coggle Diagram
one similarity between old and new media is the nature of ownership and control.
two processes are common to all forms of media behavior in modern industrial societies: concentration and conglomeration.
socha and eber-schmid talk about how the new media can track the content of personal emails and site visits in order to target advertisements on users.
in new media people can; hack, access peoples privacy and stalk people.
gauntlett - individuals are easily influenced by whatever they read, see or hear.
Bandura et al- experiments how children behave in response to aggressive and non-aggressive models. and if subjects will imitate the behavior of the same-sex model than opposite-sex. (bobo doll)
Katz and Lazarfield suggested a two-step flow model, in which messages flow in two
distinct steps:
1- from the media to opinion formers
2- From opinion formers to people in their social network (family and friends)
Belson also claimed that long exposure to media violence produces violent behavior in young males. hagell and newburn however, found a general lack of interest in television among young offenders.
McQuail et al.
Social solidarity: talking about a shared experience, such as seeing the same film or playing the same online game
hall argued that media texts such as advertisements involve;
encoding - the ideas the author wants an audience to grasp
decoding - how an audience interprets or decodes the message, depending
on factors such as their social background or the context in which the
message is received.
Hall suggests three main ways a media message is read by an
1- Hegemonic codes: the message is read and shared the way the author intended.
2 - Negotiated codes: when the audience modify their interpretation in the light of their own particular knowledge,
beliefs or attitudes.
3 - Oppositional codes: audience rejects or attempts to challenge the message.
2 - framing; involves presenting ideas to audiences in ways that suggest how they should be interpreted.
key terms
digitalisation- is the changing of media from analog to digital form. example magazines and newspapers are now websites. music can be listened to online.
concentration- McChesney : there is an appearance of choice but it is just the same content (homogeneous) cheaply made and repetitive.
discourse- used by postmodernists. refers to the way of representing the world from a particular view point. a discourse reflects ideas, beliefs and values of specific, powerful groups and creates a framework for audience interpretation.
conglomeration- the same company developing interests across different media through a process of diversification and becoming a conglomerate.
agenda setting- because the news media can choose what to report and what not to report they can influence the main topics and issues that people are interested in and talk about. the public may not discuss some issues because they may not be aware of them.
media-centric- models that argue that the media have a direct effect (usually a negative one) on behavior.
hypodermic syringe model- media messages are like a drug injected into the audiences mind. in ways that change or reinforce their ideas and behavior.
theories of media
plurallist theory
-Media audiences are not passive, simply buying whatever owners provide, but active. They
buy what they like and ignore the things that do not fit their lifestyles or beliefs.
:star: pluralist perspectives reverse the traditional marxist argument that audiences consume whatever owners decide to give them. instead, media owners demand that their media provide whatever consumers want.
:red_flag: The role of the media is to provide consumers with the information and services they
demand. A diverse range of media exists and people can choose from different sources of information. This applies to both old and new media.
for pluralists, news values are evidence of consumer choice and diversity because they reflect the demands of the audience.
the term media usually refers to communication with large numbers of people.
could be:
-one to many (such as facebook, twitter etc.)
-one to one (such as email)
-many to many (such as networks that link individuals to exchange information)